Sunday, October 27, 2013

You Have Got to be Kidding Me!!!

For the second time in less than a week a Boston sports team has been victimized by officials making a technically correct but terribly timed call.  The Patriots were the victim last week but last night an umpire ruled obstruction when a fat ass Cardinal player tripped over a prone Sox player.  Common sense would say you don’t let a play such as this decide a game, much less a World Series game but then you look at the umpire involved.
And this Decides a Game?!
He’s the same bozo who blew a call to prevent a young pitcher from achieving a perfect game a couple years ago and now has found a way to interject himself again.  Then just to rub a little salt into the wound we got to see ex(?)-Yankee Joe Torre sit with the umpires to justify their idiocy. 

I’m sure Cardinals fans would be up in arms if the call had not been made but this was too good a game to let it end the way it did.  Something I’ve noticed during the series is that several of the umps seem swayed by the home crowd.  Cardinal pitchers were getting the low strike consistently last night while the Sox were not.  Same ump that almost blew the call in the first game.  Where do they get these guys?

During the baseball prep phase of the day I made a cardinal mistake myself.  I allowed myself to go shopping with my wife.  This is never a good idea as she is decision-challenged, something I find hard to tolerate in silence.  Like I said, it’s not a good mix.  She decreed it’s time to paint a couple rooms and she had to select the paint color.  Warning bells were going off all over.
The "Process" Underway
I was good for the first 45 minutes but nature took its course and we eventually reached the melting point.  She had semi-made a decision when all of a sudden she hadn’t.  She responds to my impatience about as well as I do to her indecisiveness.  It galls me that she’s usually absolutely correct when she eventually does make a decision.  After an hour and a half of touching virtually every color palette available we had a decision on two of the three rooms.  Again she was right on with the selections.  She mentioned something about not hurrying an artist at work.

I cut my losses and returned home for some contemplative time on the riding lawn mower.  I should have been paying better attention near the wood line where I learned the origin and the validity of the old saying – “It’s better than a sharp stick in the eye”.  There’s one less tree in the wood line today.
Buddy's New Move
Buddy joined me in front of the television for the required couch potato time.  He’s developed a new talent.  He’ll jump up on the couch, sit down next to me and then lean back until he’s lying on his back next to me.  What dog does that?  It turns out his belly ends up in prime rubbing position so I think there’s a method to his madness.
Finally Found the Lowering Components
Technology isn’t always a time saver.  On our way home from Keene last week the warning light for low tire pressure went on in the car my wife usually drives.  She immediately entered the panic zone and disregarded my findings that all the tires were fully inflated and seemed fine.  Yesterday I finally read the owner’s manual who said the system also warns about spare tire inflation problems.  I then had to find my way through the maze of compartments and assembled three different components – just to lower the spare tire, which was underinflated.  The lights off.  Thanks technology.
The Assembled Tools Inside the Third Compartment
Go Sox!

Playoff Beard Ends Final Week of Existence - One Way or Another

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