Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Beard Rules

Tough day to go into work yesterday but at least it was a Friday which can make all the difference.  I handed the new schedules off to the union which marked the end of a frenzied, week long Excel-a-palooza.  The big event of the day was the first test of my scraggly equipped face – the playoff beard.

The Sox had a ridiculously scheduled 3pm game so it started while I was still at work.  I found reasons to wander by the driver’s lobby while the game was on.  Lester looked dominant until the umpire didn’t give him some close calls and that resulted in two gopher balls and 2-0 deficit.  I was thinking I’d be sharpening up a razor since the Rays had one of their dominant young pitchers throwing goose eggs. 

I got into the car for the drive home and tuned in the game.  The drive home was the best ever as the Sox started an improbable rally when the Rays’ usually stout defense deserted them.  Their cocky young outfielder Myers lost a fly ball in the sun (not such a ridiculous time now!).  The Boston crowd in their inimitable fashion serenaded Myers for the rest of the game by chanting his name – a real playoff atmosphere.
Well,  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Sox were up 5-2 by the time I got home and joined Buddy and the wife on the couch.  Buddy would jump off the couch and run to the windows every time my wife and I celebrated another Sox run.  We timed our trip to Zorba’s between innings and were safely seated to see the late part of the game.  We were administered to by my favorite waitress in her usual fetching manner.

The pizza tasted so good when seasoned with yet more Sox runs.  The best part was being able to share it again with my wife.  We finished the pizza (yes – PIZZA!!!! – keto vacation day – don’t you know) as the game headed into the last of the eighth inning.  My wife said we should watch the end of the game at the bar so we decamped to that cherished location (how cool is my wife).   
My Excellent Date at Zorba's Last Night
The initial success of my playoff beard caused me to reflect on my personal history with facial hair.  Well I did have more than a couple beers – bear with me.  My first beard dates back to my junior year in college when I started dating a gal who eventually became my first fiancé.  She wanted me to grow a beard and since I was deliriously in love I gave it a shot even though I knew my beard wasn’t ready for public exposure.  The result was a truly unkempt embarrassment - a patchwork of hair covering various parts of my face but not connected with each other.  I made the mistake of meeting the gal’s parents for the first time with the semi-beard in place – a first impression I don’t think I ever overcame.  Unfortunately no photos exist of that regrettable facial hair choice. 
The Playoff Beard - Day 6
The Army was less than welcoming when it came to beards so the next time I could grow one was in 2005 and I was severely disappointed when I tried and it  came out almost completely gray.  Eight years later I am much more at peace with my impending dotage and it seems to be helping the Sox!  That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!

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