Saturday, January 26, 2013

Panadancing at the Silverman’s

Pana-Gals on the Loose
Yesterday was an early day at work because of an environmental inspection – fun stuff.  There was also some drama at work that I could have seriously done without but things calmed down by noon time.  While I was negotiating this adventure the husband of one of the Panamanian mafia stopped by the office.  He was picking up his wife’s cell phone.  She left it at our house during the trek home from NYC with the beautiful Pana-Gals.

He mentioned that I would be seeing him again last night because the Pana-Gals had conspired to set up a night of dancing at Maxwell Silverman’s in Worcester.  He was surprised that I hadn’t heard about it; so was I.  I purposely didn’t say anything to my wife during the first two phone calls she made to the office.  She was playing it close to the vest.  When she finally did admit to the plan she claimed she had repeatedly told me about it and I must be getting old.  I am getting old but not that old that I would forget something like this.  She usually employs this tactic when she shows up with a new purchase.

We did manage to squeeze in a double dose of Zorba’s pizza before we left for the dancing.  While they gals were making the necessary adjustments in their outfits at home I caught a little bit of the Bruins game.  Buddy was heavy into stalking through my wife’s plants.  This is something strange he does every now and then when he will look like he’s hunting prey through the plants – must be some instinct that kicks in when he feeling a little frosty.

Speaking of frosty as I backed out of the garage a snow storm was starting up.  This would normally send my wife scurrying back into the house, since she would be driving home, but we’re talking dancing here and that is a trump card in wife’s life priorities. She blithely pointed out that she was an expert at driving in the snow.  This came as news to me as she normally avoids it like the plague but I guess she was profiling a little for the family.

We linked up with a couple other members of the Worcester Chapter of the Panamanian Mafia at Silverman’s and had a fantastic time.  The best part is the dancing is about our speed and very little rap music is played.  We’ve been there a bunch of times and we like the crowd as it is decidedly middle aged with a sprinkling of other age groups.  I think if you are divorced and living in Worcester this is a required social stop.  There are always a few characters there.  Last night’s star was an older dude wearing a suit jacket with a shirt unbuttoned and a huge gold medallion worn over a white t-shirt.  Seriously, the guy looked like he stepped through a time tunnel from the 1970’s. 

The Pana-Gals dominated the dance floor – obviously and truly in their element.  I felt bad for our waiter because we had a table of ten people but there was rarely anybody seated there.  My sister in law, predictably, drew an admirer.  An older gentleman asked her to dance and then joined us at the table.  Since she had had a couple glasses of sangria her English was significantly improved.  The other Pana-Gals were having a lot of fun with her throughout this episode.  They said a couple of times that we should get my Keene Friend down here to dance.  My wife and I burst into spontaneous laughter at this suggestion and said if we even hinted at an evening of dancing that he would run for the hills.

The ride home through the extremely slippery roads gave my wife pause for herr earlier claim of expertise.  I know it was an extremely sobering experience for me.  As with most things she attempts though she came through like a champ.  We made it home safe and I could nto be more proud of her.  Once we were safe in the garage her bravado returned and she admonished me for doubting her (she’s so much fun).

More pictures are emerging from the New York Adventure which I share with you below.  I stole some of them from my daughter’s blog because she’s much more artistic than I will ever be.
Buddy Captured Mid-Stalk
Wife's Cousin's Daughter at Zorba's
The Scene at Maxwell's
Some of the Great Friends and Beautiful Pana-Gals
Leaving the Slippery Venue after Dominating!
My Daughter and Some Semi Frozen Pana-Gals In NYC
Venezuelan Lunch Sister in Law, Daughter, Son in Law, Wife
Venezuelan Lunch in NYC
View From Their Hotel Room
The Pana-Gals Next to Their Ride to the Train Station
Two Sisters Riding in Style!
Just a Little Bit Out of Control

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