Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Decorations and Revisionist Treason

Buddy Sizing Up His Next Target
I arrived home last night to find my wife exhausted after spending the entire day decorating for Christmas, ably supervised by Buddy the Wonder Pooch.  Buddy, possessed of a truly lethal tail, did have some issues with the low hanging fruit of Christmas balls which he repeatedly sent bouncing off walls when he enthusiastically passed by.  My wife actually laughed at this which is an indicator of how guilty she felt about the previous day’s extended incarceration.

I did my part by hiding out in the family room where I happened upon a series on one of the cable channels called Untold History.  Apparently this is a series that presents a different view of American history and was using a text straight out of Cuba. I sat through 45 minutes of this incredulous abomination with my anger growing exponentially as each new subtle shading of reality was presented as truth.  This is the same problem I have with television news that includes opinion reported as facts. 

Not surprisingly this effort was perpetrated by Oliver Stone who really seems to have gone over the edge and should seek some sort of professional help. Stone’s grip on reality has always been tenuous (see his movie JFK) and here we have him re-writing history, again.  He would have us believe that the poor Soviet Union, led by the worst mass murderer in human history, Joseph Stalin, was in reality a victim of corporate American greed.  I was disgusted that this effort saw the light of day; more so because some left leaning young people will see this and accept it as truth. This is the true danger of democracy; that an unbalanced voice is allowed to proclaim a twisted set of facts as truth and perpetrate a myth on an unsuspecting population. 

This is exactly why Eisenhower forced Germans and the news reel cameras to capture the gruesome reality of the World War 2 concentration camps. He had a sense of history and knew with the passage of time some people would try to deny this horrific event ever happened.  Stone does the same thing with post World War 2 America.  Mr. Stone should just renounce his citizenship and take up residence in Havana.  Congratulations Mr. Stone, you have joined the ranks of Idiot’s Hall of Fame, joining such luminaries as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Every cold warrior who confronted the evil that was the Soviet Union weeps at your ineptitude and fears the impact on a younger generation spared that experience. 
My Wife Created This Herself - Talented Lady
Stone Cold Idiot - Get This Man Some Professional Help

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