Monday, December 24, 2012

Biting Back Bile

Lucky Win
Yesterday should have been a whole lot of fun.  I had my daughter and son in law to watch football with, it’s the day before Christmas Eve, the Patriots were playing one of the worst teams in football, and like I said, the day before Christmas Eve.  I was eighty percent right.

After a true slugfest at the supermarket buying the “fixins” for my annual Christmas dinner extravaganza I settled in to watch the Patriots dismantle the lowly Jacksonville Jaguars.  This is a team the Patriots dominate even when they have good years, which is not this year.

Unfortunately the Jaguars didn’t get the memo that they were supposed to lay down and die.  For the second week in a row the Patriots defense came out completely unprepared.  It seems like they have a plan that is totally destroyed each week in the first series and then there’s a scene of Belicheck coaching up the defense and they play okay for the rest of the game.  If I was Matt Patriarca, the nominal defense coordinator, I wouldn’t be making plans for any head coaching interviews. 

After a terrible start himself Brady found his rhythm and led the Pats back to what seems more like a loss than the joyless victory it was.  The Patriots were lucky in this one.

At least I got to watch the game and subsequent Red Zone with two of my favorite people.  I am astounded that my daughter, who used to regard football with disdain, has become a true fan.  I don’t play fantasy football myself but that’s made a fan out of her.  I love that it gives us something to share and we had a lot of fun yesterday.

Buddy also assumed his normal position sitting on the couch with me.  He loves the Christmas time when the couch is moved closer to the window and he can survey his domain.  The rest of the day did not go as swimmingly for a certain black lab.

A little after dark the doorbell rang and Buddy went into his usual paroxysm of enraged indignation.  I always thought this was cute because he’s usually very friendly to guests.  I held him back as I opened the door and the doctor from across the road dropped off some pumpkin bread.  This is usually the only time of year I talk with him.  He extended his hand for Buddy to sniff since they know each fairly well.  Buddy took the opportunity to bite the doctor’s hand, breaking the skin.

This is the first time Buddy has bitten anybody and I was completely mortified.  Buddy has made me angry before but he’s never disappointed me on such a fundamental level as last night.  I was in shock.  I know he has mental issues like deep seated fear of weird things but he’s never been aggressive before.  This really took the gas out of what had been a superb day to that point.

I went to bed early since I was getting up at 4 am to do the annual meet and greet with the early morning crew at work on Christmas Eve but I couldn’t fall asleep because of the shock from Buddy’s unprovoked attack.  This was compounded around midnight when the carbon monoxide alarm outside the bedroom started chirping.  I thought it was just weak batteries and my wife brought up some recently purchased batteries.  The thing kept chirping after I installed the batteries and all of a sudden things became a little more serious.  My daughter and son in law whipped out their I-phones.  My daughter shortly had a check list of things I needed to check while my son in law downloaded the owner’s manual for this type of alarm (they’re pretty cool to have around). 

After completing the checklist the damned thing was still chirping and my wife wanted me to call the fire department (not going to happen).  Standing there in my skivvies I took the damned thing out onto the deck in the fresh (and very cold) air where it continued to chirp.  My son in law noticed the “fresh” batteries my wife bought actually expired in September. 

Since it was now 1am I decided I wouldn’t be in for the earliest portions of the meeting and greeting.
My Football Posse Yesterday - Best Part of Day
Buddy Surveying His Domain
Before His Fall From Grace

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