Thursday, July 13, 2017

Chipmunk Wars, Vol 2

Alleged Co-Conspirator with Chipmunk
I think my granddaughter made some sort of deal with the chipmunk that allowed her to pat it during the most recent visit. I wish she’d told me about the deal because I’ve been decisively engaged with the damned rodent ever since. He apparently felt emboldened by his contact with my granddaughter because he took up residence underneath the bottom row of the second backyard terrace. I knew this because an impressive amount of excavated dirt and stone were deposited on top of the mulch of the first terrace garden. This brought him in direct conflict with that garden’s protector, my wife, and her hatchet man – yours truly.
I was given the task to eradicate the problem but not to harm the beast which was described as too cute to damage. During my most recent backyard stair building I used a mallet to pound in some fairly large stones to block the entrance and yes I made sure the little creep was out of the hole first. I moved all the excavated dirt away and thought I had mission accomplished. I underestimated the little f-----r. In less than two days he’d dug out the rocks, moved them and apparently delved more deeply as an even larger amount of excavated dirt and rocks were deposited on top of the previously cleared mulch. I think that last part was just an f.u. for trying to lock him out of his house.
The Dirt He Pulled from Under and Behind the Wall
Admitting defeat, given my rules of engagement, my wife is prepared to tolerate his presence as long as I clear whatever dirt he throws out of the hole (great – now I have two bosses). My only concern, given the amount of dirt he has taken out, is the collapse of the 2d terrace wall. I was back out there last evening after work continuing my project of removing grass and leveling the area next to Deckzilla. I must be getting old (don’t tell anyone) as moving dirt should be second nature to an old infantrymen but the humidity was kicking my ass. Luckily I was chased inside by a thunderstorm before I had to succumb to my lack of resoluteness. 
Progress Before the Rain
Less good news emanating lately out of Rhode Island as Great Aunt took a turn for the worse last night after overachieving directly following her knee replacement operation. Soxfather reported her knee muscles started spasming last evening which was incredibly painful. My sister has legendary pain tolerance (she once walked around with a burst appendix for a couple days) so Soxfather knew what her reaction meant in terms of agony. She’s been receiving both morphine and valium to combat the spasms and the pain which means she’s too loopy to walk up stairs which is the condition required for her release from the hospital. So please send some prayers her way, she has more than earned an easier time than she’s going through.

I returned to since fiction for my latest book, reading the next in Christopher Nuttal’s excellent Empire Corps series with Culture Shock. This was another standalone novel in the series not involving the recurring characters but taking place at the same time when the galactic empire collapses and the colonized worlds are left to fend for themselves. This was a thinly disguised think piece on the recent immigration crisis in Europe as it deals with 50,000 unwanted and culturally insensitive refugees dumped on a pristine world. The resulting conflict with the established society on that world is looked at from both sides with no doubt which side of the equation Mr. Nuttall favors. It was a fast paced read, especially given its immediate relevance. In an afterword the author provides his own thoughts on the current crisis which I found very insightful but they would cause any politically correct social justice warrior screaming for the door. A very good read, both novel and afterword.
I'm Not Sure What You're Talking About Grampa

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