Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Boss Lunch and Back Yard Commencement

For Some Reason My Wife Thought this Shirt Was Perfect for Me
It Reads: "Sitting on the Mesa Enjoying my Cerveza" 
I had a surprise lunch with the political boss which came out of nowhere. When I learned he was taking me out to lunch I immediately lurched back to the scene from Jerry Maguire where the standard move to fire someone is to take them to a public place for lunch. While no one is irreplaceable I’m pretty confident I’m still needed around here and it turned out to be a good, very frank discussion of how I can help him surmount some severe budget issues. In stark contrast to his predecessor I actually like this guy despite the part in played in the departure of my excellent boss.
The Final Wall Bricks (I hope)
I returned home to find the house empty as my wife and her mother had been sucked in the shopping vortex that is TJ Maxx. Since this provided another opportunity for unsupervised activity I opened up what I’m hoping is the final phase of the backyard re-do. That will involve removing the grass from and leveling an area directly adjacent to Deckzilla prior to covering it with a layer of pebble stone. This is an area where the grass has been pretty much eradicated due to Buddy the Wonder Pooch’s ministrations. The first step was using the leftover stones from the garden wall to create a border where the hill and the first terrace come together.
A Child Somewhere Underneath all those Toys
That turned out to be a lot of work since I once again learned the alluvial proclivities of New England hills mandates that the bottom of any slope will be liberally festooned with rocks. Once excavated these rocks were added to the huge pile which will hopefully become a fire pit in the final phase (bit of revenge there). That pile has been taunting me for the better part of a year now.
Reports have dried up about the Favorite Son and ABFA on their California adventures but I did get to see and speak with the First Granddaughter who tried to feed me blueberries through the IPad screen. She’s approaching an advanced degree in bed bouncing which only makes sense given her lineage. Wingman also posted a video which shows her counting up to twelve which is pretty good for a nineteen month old. She was cutting yet another tooth last week which led to some crankiness which has since subsided as she continues to burrow into her pile of stuffed animals for reasons not readily apparent to the uniformed adult population.

Since I’ve fallen seriously behind in my summer movie watching I took my wife to the theater last night after she escaped the clutches of her favorite shopping grounds. I’ll apologize ahead of time as we went to see The House which is probably as bad as you’ve undoubtedly heard. While one doesn’t seek out Will Farrell for any life defining insights this was pretty low fare, even for him. Still, I kind of sneakily liked the movie which I’ll continue to apologize for because it has zero redeeming value, except it made me laugh. The director did fall a little too in love with Farrell, his axe, and the subsequent blood baths but there was a some funny moments as Farrell and wife Amy Poehler set up a secret neighborhood casino to fund their daughter’s dream college attendance. They’re assisted by mildly psychotic friend Jason Mantzoukas once again tapping into his hilarious dark side. There were some funny cameos which usually resulted in shedding appendages and catching fire (you kind of had to be there). No character development but again, it made me laugh and I apologize.
Emerging from the Pile

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