Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hasty Dental

What do you Mean I can't eat Styrofoam!
Mondays really likes to screw with you. It wasn’t enough that I had  a potential freezing rain situation to deal with along with a contentious staff meeting but I also received a garbled (funny that) message on Friday that someone in my family had a dentist appointment first thing Monday morning. I thought it was for my absent wife but when I turned over the card that’s been sitting under glass on my desk for the past six months I learned it was for me, fun.
Elmo Can Draw Also
I figured I had just enough time to squeeze in the cleaning appointment before the staff meeting. I can’t be late to those since I’ve made it such a big issue with subordinates showing up late. I really like my dentists, a group of Asian-Americans who do great work; one of whom, is actually named Han Solo. The hygienist is a well-endowed young lady whom I will never admit to any pain inflicted because I don’t want to seem like a wimp in front of such pulchritude, it’s a guy thing. Once she as through excavating one of the dentists showed up to pronounce I had no cavities but needed a panoramic x-ray.
Everyone was really excited because they got a new machine and I was the first patient to be subjected to it. I had to duck into a booth like enclosure and place my chin in a stirrup and bite on this little protuberance. I was also told to stand up straight which was impossible since the machine was set for someone about a foot shorter than I was. They finally figured out how to raise it but it hit the roof before I could stand up straight, so we compromised on that. My shoulders were then too wide for the machine to swing around my head. We figured if I scrunched my shoulders forward the machine could make its arc. We were successful and I count this as my first ever yoga session. I made it to the staff meeting with thirty seconds to spare.
It Fits!
I had talks last night with both of my far flung descendants. The favorite Son and ABFA are gearing up for a visit home this weekend to help welcome back my Favorite Panamanian. Riggins spent the day in dog care and was uncharacteristically exhausted. He slept through the call instead of attacking my son’s feet. In my call to New Jersey my daughter was unpacking yet another aspect of a play center the First Blog Reader received from her other grandmother, a size appropriate table and chair. My granddaughter’s job was breaking up the Styrofoam packing material which she was attacking with gusto as my daughter and I talked.

My daughter dropped her IPad and squawked a bit when a small piece of the Styrofoam proved too big a temptation and ended up in the little one’s mouth. I blame myself for this because it did look like a piece of popcorn and I’m addicted in no small measure to that delicacy; so it’s in her genes. I also got a quick video yesterday that has her managing for the first time to say her own name. This induced a typically heart melting moment for her grandfather.

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