Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Experimental Furnishings

Hair Isn't Always Out of Control
My wife was fully released onto furnishing our soon to be finished condo yesterday with predictable results. She only has a week or so left in Panama and smartly decided she would make the purchases before I was around to contribute opinions. In a surprise to no one that knows her she already had a number of furnishings earmarked and by the end of the day had purchased air conditioning systems, two bedroom sets, and other assorted items that join the sectional couch she bought last year. I knew this was coming and appreciated her efforts but she didn’t understand why I wasn’t more excited about her efforts; shopping just doesn’t do it for me. I actually did assist in the idea department; we are putting a bunk bed in the guest bedroom that has a double bed on the bottom and a single above. This will accommodate more people and since most visitors will be tired from a day with incredible body surfing and cheap Panamanian beer sleeping will not be an issue. This will also provide a perfect environment for grandchildren (note to progeny – focus on the plural usage of that term).
Current State of Condo
The only current member of that august group, the First Blog Reader, was a little grouchy yesterday during our call. She’d taken a fall walking home from the park where she had added yet another accomplishment to her rapidly burgeoning resume. She, for the first time, climbed the ladder to a slide and descended with no adult assistance. Wingman, her assigned body guard, reported she did this only forty to fifty times. The fall in front of the house during her return trip was minor with no breakage of skin but it did require some time burrowing into the arms of my daughter for comfort.

For dateless date night I took in The Belko Experiment which transitions office politics to the shooting war stage in very bloody fashion. This is truly a horror movie with heads exploding along with gun shots wounds, and serial slashing. A remote office in Columbia, fully stocked with the normal American office types, is sealed off and everyone is instructed to kill each other if they don’t want their heads to explode. There are some sneaky comments on the “types” involved and the script, penned by one of the ubiquitous Gunns, is smarter than it has to be. It was also hard to predict as seemingly safe characters, both good and evil, are killed off with gusto. I liked this more than I thought I would but I left further convinced that allowing someone to implant a bomb in my head is very bad idea. 
But Then at Other Times

She Loves the Big Teddy We Bought Her

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