Thursday, March 16, 2017

Chest Beating

My Favorite Bathing Beauty
The women in my life seem to have taken a preternatural interest in my health when I am left to my own devices by one of them – my Favorite Panamanian. I will admit to believing pain is a transitory sensation that can be minimized and tolerated. This has led to some health scares over my lifetime when I choose to ignore it, including one memorable Fort Leavenworth appendectomy, but for the most part I’ve been blessed with remarkably good health. I say this because both my wife and Great Aunt have taken advantage of my appearances on FaceTime calls to question whether I am in good health or not.
Fire-pit at our Future Condo is Complete
My wife’s protestations involve a certain amount of guilt for leaving me alone for long periods of time. I know she thinks I’m going to collapse while alone in the house and she wants to avoid the attendant guilt. Great Aunt, registered nurse that she is, thought I looked very tired the other night and followed that up with an inquiry last night. I guess I’ll have to work on my camera presence because I actually feel pretty good considering the age, wear & tear, and risks my corporeal self has experienced over the years.
This is the View from our Condo - So Much Better than All the Snow I'm Seeing Today
Essentially I feel blessed that these two ladies have appointed themselves as my protectors. It’s a little frustrating that they both think my standard response of “I’m fine” is merely at attempt at obfuscation. My sister caught me the other night as I’d just come in from wrestling with the snow blower while my wife probes at every call to insure I’m not hiding anything.  I love both of them dearly but if I ever did admit to not feeling “fine” I would fear for the imminent arrival of an ambulance at my front door.
Dance moves
Someone afflicted with the same technique as I – ignoring symptoms in the fervent hope they go away – Keene Friend, continues his odyssey in the Keene Hospital. I’m going up to see him again tonight after work. Whatever they’re doing for him so far has not worked. The plan seems to be to move him to a different room each day to see if that helps. His latest update said he failed a test to walk without attached oxygen supply which is not good since he’s been in the hospital for four days now. He’s still very short of breath so please continue to keep him in your prayers.

I went to see Kong Skull Island last night because there are so many unanswered questions about the king of the chest beaters. It turned out to be a pretty good adventure flick although they got the vast majority of the military aspects wrong. We are transported back to the 1970s at the end of the Vietnam War and satellite imagery, the new thang at the time, reveals Kong’s hidden island. A mixed bag of scientists, Soldiers, and adventurers are soon wending their way to confront the big guy. The cast is top notch with Brie Larsen once again standing out as a much more capable lady than the unfortunate Fay Wray. Kong takes offense to having his home bombed which leads to a film long confrontation with Samuel L Jackson, in full psycho mode. There’s just enough comedy injected to lighten up the atmosphere, mainly in the form of John C. Reilly who categorically refuses to be bad in anything he does. Loki is along to provide eye candy for the ladies but little else. It’s not really a new take on the big ape but it is certainly entertaining and well worth the watch. 

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