Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Yesterday was yet another day of unfrenzied self-indulgence, kind of cool when I think about it that way. I was serenaded all day and overnight by my singing downspout as the winds just howled. Looking at the terrain, my house is in position to be a wind break for the top of the hill and I think the downspouts have been assaulted over the past decade to the point they’re screaming in agony. That or the winds have loosened them just enough to create the vibration that echoes throughout the house when the wind blows.
Screenshot of my FaceTime Call Yesterday
The highlight of the day was a long FaceTime call with the First Blog Reader. She’s getting quite adept at this form of communication although her mother still does most of the talking. My Cali-Daughter goes back to work tomorrow and her daughter has yet to fully embrace the bottle versus the mommy delivery system so hopefully that will work out. The joy of first time parenting, although my granddaughter did sleep through the night this past week – a huge accomplishment and she’s enjoying her belly time more and more. I’m thinking crawling is just around the corner. Adding mobility to the scenario always ramps up the entertainment/danger so they’ve got that to look forward to.
It Was So Much Fun
In the midst of my slothful ways I went to see another movie yesterday. Spotlight just jumped to the top of 2015 movies for me. I wasn’t prepared for the emotional impact this film subtly punches you in the face with. It doesn’t go for cheap thrills but builds up momentum constantly as more and more facts are discovered by the news team investigating clergy abuse of children in Boston. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see this evil allowed to persist as the powers to be refused to accept responsibility and deal with it.

I’ve never been a big fan of investigative journalism as all too often they seek to make a story where none exists. In this case they perfectly performed the reason a free press is the backbone of a free society. It was poignant to see the horror of the situation unveiled step by step. The familiar Boston landscape made the whole film all the more impactful for me. I left the movie angry with a new born respect for the Boston Globe and a deep sadness for the all the young lives ruined. It’s rare that a movie really touches me but this one landed a serious body blow. Go see this movie, even if you’re a good Catholic. Too many “Good Catholics” played a role in covering up or ignoring the abuse. 

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