Monday, January 18, 2016

Filling Nothingness with the Mundane

The Force is Strong in This One
I have become entirely too adept at filling the solitary times of my life without the Favorite Panamanian. I’ve created so many activities for myself that for the last couple days I haven’t felt any “down time”. Of course, none of these activities could be classified as “intense”. Between football, household chores, movies, binge watching TV series, reading, and working on the puzzle, I found myself at the end of the day unhappy that I didn’t get more of any of them done. That means the time is passing quickly which is the whole point of the program in the first place so I shouldn’t be concerned. I just wish I could walk by the damned puzzle without being lured back in as yet another 45 minutes disappear. At least I get to wake up each morning to a new batch of photos of Californian perfection.
Who'd Guess Her Daddy (and Grampa) Were Huge Star Wars Fans
I have the day off from work today for the MLK holiday and find myself facing the same conundrum. Too many movies to watch, I’m two shows from completing my Black Sails binge, there’s laundry/ironing not to mention that ludicrously enticing puzzle facing me. To add a little flavor to the mix we got a couple inches of snow overnight so I’ll have to spend a good ten minutes clearing that from the driveway (pardon me while I giggle uncontrollably). The wind is howling again on our hill top which means the down spout from the rooftop rain gutters are vibrating ridiculously. It took me a couple wind storms to figure out what the damned noise was. Since there were sponges placed up and down the spout I’m guessing this was not an unknown issue. At times it can almost be soothing, until it wakes the Wonder Pooch up from one of his professional nap times which usually results in an uninterrupted barking frenzy until he’s fully awake – the joy of winter.
What Greeted Me This Morning and the Heavenly Driveway
I went to see two wildly different movies yesterday. I saw Sisters because I like both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and it was the kind of movie my distant wife likes so we’d have something to talk about. Things blowing up and head shots came later in the day with 13 Hours, The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Sisters was extremely dumb but filled with some serial guilty laughs. Fey and Poehler are two middle aged sisters who return home to find their parents selling the childhood home. In a blatant attempt to avoid typecasting Fey plays the wild sister while Poehler tries to keep usual maniacal self as the straight laced, successful sister. They should have gone with their strengths instead because Fey isn’t believable as the wild one and Poehler doesn’t keep her craziness completely in check. Some of the funniest moments were with the parents played by James Brolin and Dianne Wiest. I still enjoyed this but it doesn’t live up to some of the recent R-rated women centric comedies like Spy or Bridesmaids. I did learn a valuable lesson of never walking past a ballerina music box left on the floor, ouch.
For all the silliness of Sisters, 13 Hours was the exact opposite and so, so much better, and not just because things were blowing up. While the actual events of the Benghazi attack have become political fodder for the past few years this is apparently an accurate portrayal of the events in 2012, blissfully stripped of all the politics, well except for a CIA station chief with a stick firmly up his posterior. I thought this would be an attack on Clinton but it’s not that at all. It’s the story of some true American heroes, former Special Forces soldiers contracted for security of the CIA post. They respond to the attack of the ambassador’s house and then return back to the base to defend it against a horde of radicals attacking from all sides.

The battle scenes are very realistic along with human foibles always involved. The actors obviously spent some time with great coaches for their roles because they had the lingo and movements of operators down cold. I was wondering why a director like Bey would step into the political mess that is the aftermath of this affair but I honestly believe he was trying to honor the sacrifices of these special men which has been lost in the politics. Go see this movie to honor them and their incredible toughness and sacrifice. Best movie I’ve seen so far this year. I read an interview with one of the actual heroes and he was asked if he blamed Clinton for Benghazi. He responded simply that, no, he blamed the radical Islamic terrorist who attacked that night; kind of refreshing to hear an opinion like that in this most political of all seasons.
Someone Found a New Button on their I-Phone Camera

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