Friday, January 15, 2016

Eventful Weekend Eve

Good Morning Grampa!
A very full day yesterday for a number of reasons; not the least of which was the release of the Oscar nominations; always a big day for any movie nut (guilty). The day started out with a visit from the state Lieutenant Governor. Anybody from New England knows the Boston area transit agency, the MBTA, had a very bad winter last year and is historically poorly managed. That’s what happens when the vast majority of your work force are political patronage jobs which results in a grotesquely bloated management staff, but I digress. The Lieutenant Governor dragged the MBTA leaders out to our small (in comparison) operation because apparently we’ve acquired a reputation for doing certain things well and she wanted them to benefit from our experience. While everything was very cordial these guys had to be grating a little bit. The MBTA have always considered themselves the big dog and having to make that trip yesterday must have hurt. Still a nice little feather in the caps of the people here who work so hard each day (present company excluded) as well as the most excellent boss. In a side benefit, the Lieutenant Governor was kind of hot (yep, wife’s been gone for two weeks now).
The Lieutenant Governor
That visit prevented me from seeing the Oscar nominations but in today’s world of instant news onslaught my ignorance didn’t last long. There was the expected reverence for the Revenant but I was glad to see Mad Max and the Martian get some love as well. There were several major noms for pictures I haven’t seen yet but are still playing in the conveniently close movie theater. Combine that with a three day weekend and I think we have a recipe worth exploring. There was the usual hue and cry about the lack of African-American nominees but thankfully we don’t operate with a quota system. Do the work and you’ll be recognized, ask Denzell.
I had a great wakeup call today (in addition to the daily dose of California based pictures – see below) when I turned on Good Morning America. While I rarely have anything good to say about teams in the NFL not playing home games at Foxborough you’d have to be a heartless git not to appreciate the father/daughter cancer fight of NFL player Devon Still and his daughter Leah over the past year. Both were on GMA and announced Leah was cancer free. After a week where we lost so many notables to cancer it was nice to see a win, especially with the impossibly cute Leah.
Devon and Leah Still
Buddy rangered his way through his annual vet visit which included every shot known to modern veterinary medicine. It was a new experience changing from the small town vet to the big city as well. There were no less than five dogs in the waiting room with us. Buddy was frantic to make acquaintances but behaved, hovering on the edge of explosion, as did all the other dogs. That all changed, comically, when a six month old version of Buddy (hyperactive black lab) entered the clinic. He took one look around and immediately launched into frenzied barking. This of course caused all of the other dogs to cook off and the pristine silence was replaced with audio Armageddon. Eventually everyone, except the instigator, calmed down. Buddy was good with the doctor as I had the usual job of distracting him when his nether regions were being insulted or one of the many shots administered. The vet was extremely cute (again, it’s been two weeks).

Buddy at Vet's

How Do I get Out of Here!
We’re supposed to get some freezing rain over night which will put the kybosh a planned run up to Keene to watch the Patriots’ playoff game, but again, there is that nearby movie theater. It’s within walking distance and we just might confirm that if the ice gets too thick. Whatever, it is Friday and that means a less than solemn celebration of its first occurrence this week later today. I’m nothing if not consistent.

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