Friday, November 13, 2015

Trip Planning

Her First Closeup
I’m going to go out on a limb here and describe the past week as fairly eventful. It’s tough being stuck here while my first grandchild is taking the left coast by storm. I took steps to fix that yesterday with airline reservations for next week to insure she’s properly introduced to her paternal grandfather. “Excited” would be a massive understatement.
Dominating the Room
I spoke with my daughter yesterday who continues to gain strength after her very long Tuesday/Wednesday. My wife and her fellow gramma were on station once again at the hospital but in a move that will surprise nobody that knows her discovered a nearby mall to wile away the designated quiet hours of the maternity ward. I eventually tracked her down for a progress report on the newly expanded family. We will have to have a discussion about time zones though. A long phone call at 9pm in Los Angeles is not entirely conscious by the time it reaches Worcester.
Some California Cat Bonding for the Favorite Panamanian

The other planning conducted yesterday was publishing the itinerary for the Saturday birthday pub crawl in Keene. That annual event certainly has more to celebrate this year. I’m sure the conversation will surround the more newsworthy birthday that went down this week. I shouldn't let the week of Veterans Day pass without my annual diatribe. While I'm very proud of my military service I'm not very active in Veterans Groups. I've mentioned before that one of the best moments I ever had in uniform was when I was waiting to pick up my daughter (the new mom herself) at a train station on her way home from college when a stranger came up and thanked me for serving in the military. I think that's all true Soldiers really want, that the people protected appreciate the sacrifices made on their behalf. Its easy to minimize those in today's information saturated world but it s a basic truth, Soldiers actually believe it.
The Patriots Remembered on Sunday
Farewell Lunch Yesterday for a Guy Retiring from the Company
I have to travel to Connecticut today for a conference, so it’s not all welcome news. Decidedly opposite is the news I did wake up to. We finally got around the arranging the long overdue appointment with destiny for Jihadi John. That sunken chested moron was on the receiving end of a US drone strike that basically vaporized his car. I wonder what he thought waking up in hell instead of with the illusionary virgins. Something else to celebrate this weekend.

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