Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Electing Crisis Reunion

I performed my civic duty yesterday by voting in Worcester’s city election. I wrote earlier this year that one of the benefits (amongst the many) of the move to Worcester is to finally be able to vote on some the political leaders I’ve been “privileged” to work with over the last ten years. In a huge disappointment, one of the guys I most looked forward to voting against (even if his opponent had been a rabid communist) decided to retire at the last minute. I know it’s delusional, bordering on the corny, but I actually enjoy voting. It may come from spending most of my life in the military defending a way of life that I actually believe voting makes a difference.
I continued the voting theme with my movie choice last night on dateless, date night. Our Brand is Crisis is a Sandra Bullock vehicle in which she plays a political operative (think James Carville) in a Bolivian presidential election. Bullock turned out to be the only thing remotely watchable in this movie that couldn’t decide whether it wanted to be a comedy or a withering indictment of the electoral process. Bullock is joined in battle with Billy Bob Thornton who seems to be making a late life career out of James Carville types. The rivalry between the two was supposed to be a center plot line but it never rang true as Thornton just didn’t have the chops to hang with Bullock.
While there were a couple funny moments, too much time its spent waiting from Bullock’s character to come out of her semi-psychotic funk. None of the supporting characters were worth rooting for outside of a deluded young Bolivian. The slime political operatives coat themselves with to be effective necessarily makes them less than admirable characters to root for. Maybe that’s the point, but this movie never grabbed me and it should have.
Future Mom and Dad Together at Last
The First Blog Reader generously delayed his/her impending arrival long enough for his/her Dad to return to his/her mother’s side. Wingman blew into L.A. yesterday for his last show on the current tour as he took up his Daddy Watch post. I know there was a very relieved daughter of mine who was the most content with that development and not just because she now wouldn’t have to depend on her mother for the drive to the hospital.

My Favorite Panamanian Stylin in the Green Room Whilst Reunion Took Place
I fielded a late night call from my Favorite Panamanian where she reported the reunion at the concert location in full swing. I heard Wingman in the background and could tell how happy both he and his wife were to be together. I was lucky enough, despite a very busy military career, to be present (in a comfortable waiting room) for the births of both of my kids. It’s not a moment to be missed, that first encounter with progeny. I’m so excited Cali-Daughter and Wingman will get to experience that very soon. 
Today's Edition

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