Monday, October 20, 2014

Sanity Turn

We woke up yesterday in Keene following our annual trip for the Pumpkinfest.  This year was different though.  It was the culmination of a trend with kids from the local college hosting friends from other colleges around the northeast for a party weekend.  Inevitably when you increase the population you’re going to get that population’s percentage of scumbags. 
True Heroes on Saturday Who Kept the Morons Herded
The event has become so popular that some of society’s leeches also latch onto the event.  A group that specializes in rave type parties worked the social media stream to encourage bad behavior and set the stage for the riots.  As I stated in yesterday’s post I’m not going to provide any publicity for these slope shouldered wannbe gangsters; other than to mention they should be held accountable for their actions.

This is a great opportunity to teach a lesson in how a civilized society is supposed to work. Any society is by necessity bound by a set of behavior standards.  If you violate those standards you are held accountable.  All too often we have forgotten that and become a nation of apologists for unacceptable behavior, even to the point of lionizing it.  The result is situations like the past weekend in Keene.
College administrators are not used to dealing with the real world cause and effect repercussion of bad behavior, usually heading the list of ivory tower apologists.  They should have anticipated the weekend events and been the iron voice of reason to the hosts of these parties (hosting a large party=automatic expulsion), instead they let it happen.  They should be held accountable.  Luckily the events have clearly spiraled out of their control and rest with the criminal justice system.  They’re now trying to blame everything on out of town visitors while failing to acknowledge all the imported idiots were hosted by someone (likely equally intellectually challenged) on campus.    

The residents of the houses where the parties took place are known via leases.  They cannot ignore their role in the affair, they should be held accountable.  While social media is largely responsible for gathering the huge crowds of students inflicted on Keene over the weekend they also provide an excellent record of the participants.  Maybe the overprotective mommy who helped create the anti-social loser you’ve become will believe your excuse as to how a tear gas canister burned your hand but law enforcement won’t. 

While all the politicians are leaping in front of the handiest TV camera they can find in this election year now is the time for the true leaders to rise to the occasion.  Hold the students, the rave organization, landlords, and administrators accountable in the criminal justice system.  A great chance to send a message to those who hung around the fringe of the riots just to “experience” it how society has to function. 
As we were pulling out of Keene yesterday large groups of students were out cleaning up.  This is admirable and represents a certain level of ownership that is refreshing.  I just hope they don’t think they sweep away responsibility for the past weekend as easily.
The ABFA and my son left in the morning but not before Buddy delivered a crushing cross body block to my son's battered knees; something that's become something of a signature move for the Wonder Pooch.  If nothing else it may have saved my son from a trek up a mountain the ABFA wanted to scale on their way home.  We stayed in Keene long enough to kick off the Patriot-less football afternoon.  Keene Friend and I monitored out fantasy football teams electronically while my wife re-acquainted herself with a neglected friend, TJ Maxx.  The epicenter of the riots was firmly between her location Saturday and that favorite shopping haunt.  So I guess there is a silver lining to every cloud.  She was not to be denied though, explaining how much money we “saved” by shopping tax free.
Keene Friend Monitoring His Loss to My Daughter ( I Know How That Feels!)
The battering my spirit took at seeing my hometown disgraced was fortified to a small degree with a rousing win in fantasy football against my sister and brother in law’s team.  Even Peyton Manning’s epic night for their team could not save them.  I’m sure there’s some serious spousal questioning of my brother in law’s sports credentials going on today in Rhode Island. 

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