Sunday, October 19, 2014

Riotous Pumpkin Violations

My Wife Delivering Her Pumpkin
Sorry for the late post but you’ll see the photo montage at the end which more eloquently explains how special yesterday was in my hometown.  The entire world knows about the Keene Pumpkinfest now but for all the wrong reasons.  I’m not going to highlight the actions of the moronic bottom feeders who tried to disrupt the day though; they are beneath concern and notable only for their classification as oxygen thieves. 
Buddy with his Best Friend
The first inkling I had there were problems was when we starting receiving texts and calls from friends around the country asking if we were okay.  It’s a tribute to the outstanding work of the Keene and supporting police forces that the Pumpkinfest went off without a hitch and the idiotic posturing of the slime went unnoticed at the actual event. 
My Wife's Pumpkin
As I wrote yesterday I had an early morning trip back home to retrieve my wife’s blood pressure medication.  I left Keene at 5:00am because I couldn’t sleep any later.  Whenever I know I have an early morning requirement it’s impossible to go back to sleep after my eyes open for the first time.  Buddy had turned his cage completely around overnight reacting to the college kids’ party across the street.  There were beer cans and bodies strewn about the street as I weaved my way out. 
Alongside my Less Artistic Effort
I returned to Keene just in time for breakfast from a grateful wife.  The Keene Friend provided the implements to carve our contributions to the jack-o-lantern population. I don’t need to tell you that hers was a lot more creative than mine.  We started to walk downtown a little before noon and stopped to speak with some of Keene Friend’s neighbors.  He is the only adult living on his short street because he’s very close to Keene State College and all the other houses are off campus housing for students.  They were a little worse for wear after the previous night and apologized for any issues they created.  Since Buddy is overly sensitive about his public personae we didn’t mention his reaction.  They were just good kids having a good time (not to mention my own college career which would have involved serious hypocrisy if I did complain).
Wife and I at Central Square
The Pumpkinfest was its usual great organization as Keene’s huge Main Street was blocked off and orange gourdes lined every nook and cranny.  While my daughter may rightfully think the fest is so corny as to defy description and her attendance, I have fallen deeply in love with this implicit example of Americana.  It’s really a tribute to the important rhythmus of life in a small town – I’ve been all over the world and can state with absolute conviction there is nothing better.
We arrived in time to see the opening parade which involves a band giving their level best and hundreds of kids in their Halloween costumes.  My wife obtained her “grandma fix” by cooing at the really cute babies done up in various finery while the Keene Friend and I opined on some of the fairly risqué adornment of some of the accompanying adults – each to their own strengths. 
After a complete spin around the Central Square and a long line at the big white church that had been turned into a haunted house (a firm “no” from the spousal unit) we hit up the food and craft court after paying due honor to the location of the  former Tiffany Tavern. 
And the Keene Friend
We were unsuccessful in locating the elusive orange and fudge combination amidst beefalo (whatever the hell that is) and pumpkin soup, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin cotton candy and I’m sure pumpkin flavored underwear if I looked hard enough.  My wife then pronounced it was shopping time and dismissed the Keene Friend and I to our own devices.
Food and Craft Court
We stayed true to our own Pumpkinfest traditions and were shortly seated at the bar of the Elm City Brewery where we were admirably attended to by our favorite bar tendress.  I think we may be spending a lot of time there recently because even though I live seventy miles away she knew what our order was as soon as we walked in.  I guess we are semi-memorable or we tip well (hoping for memorable). 
At the Elm City - The Tendress Dodged out of Camera Range Just as I Snapped
My wife called to effect link up since my son, the ABFA, and the ABFA’s parents were due to arrive at the Keene Friend’s house.  As we made our way back through the crowds we started receiving the calls about the reported riots.  I found it hard to believe because the Pumpkinfest was so peaceful it was hard to credit there was turmoil nearby.  Again, all credit to the Herculean efforts of Keene’s finest – superb job.
Keene Friend 2’s ex-wife showed up with a charming little animal trying to masquerade as a dog.  She had the obligatory costumes to ensure the creature wouldn’t be mistaken for a canine.  Despite all of that I have to admit the little thang was charming.  It was good to catch up with her owner who we see too little of; Buddy was less than impressed and spent the visit in his cage.
The Whole Crowd Downtown
We met up with the arriving notables amidst the peaceful party on the Keene Friend’s festive street.  Another wander through the pumpkins transpired as the jack-o-lanterns were lit.  This is my favorite time of the fest as the streets come alive with the lit pumpkins and the unique artistry of the carvers becomes obvious (I am of course excluding my carving efforts from that group).  The night culminated with a lone bagpiper holding court – those who know me, know how that went down.  The icing on the cake was the song he played while we went by – The Minstrel Boy.  I feared a tackling by my son if I followed the urge to start singing along – a really fine moment.
At The Tower
Two Beautiful Ladies - Photo Doesn't Do Justice to Spectacular Sky

Fairly Competent Beatles Band in Central Square

The Live Mannequins
After the peaceful walk through the huge crowd we ended up back at Keene Friend’s house where we consumed way, way too much food he had prepared and then celebrated the ABFA’s imminent birthday which is becoming another Pumpkinfest tradition. (Note to self – remember the sword next year – she’s family now!)
ABFA Birthday Cake!
The ABFA’s parents had to return home and they called to report they were passed by eight police cruisers speeding towards Keene.  This was when we learned that the riots hadn’t subsided.  When I went out to allow Buddy to relinquish his excess body fluids I noticed a helicopter circling the riot’s location with a loudspeaker encouraging everybody to go home.  This was all taking place less than 200 meters as the crow flies from Keene Friend’s home but we were unaffected by it.  The big crowd of college kids across the street partied into the early morning hours peacefully and without incident.

Wizard of Oz Cast Led off Parade 
Chick at the Parade
The Piper
It’s sad to think this Pumpkinfest will be remembered for the riots which in no way affected the usual fantastic family event the fest has evolved into. I felt my beloved hometown had been violated by a generation of kids who obviously failed to learn even the basics of civilized behavior.  I’d like a few free minutes with each of them for an opportunity to impart some education.  That’s all I’m going to say about their failed efforts to distract from a special heartwarming time for the rest of us.  Don’t think about those dummies but admire the fest for its true nature as evidenced in some of the photos I took yesterday:

Better Picture of Sky

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