Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Finally Acts

In an effort to support his last remaining bastion of support, the Cantankerous One, our president finally got off his ass and landed a telling blow (hopefully) against the ISIS idiots in Syria.  His kumbaya approach to foreign policy allowed this group to flourish while he tried to build his “all important” coalition.  My only concern is with the Saudis and especially the Qataris (home of Al Jazeera) participating in the air strikes, if this really happened or is only a White House PR attempt.  If those two “staunch” allies knew too much about the operational planning than I’m more than sure ISIS was informed ahead of time to move their assets out before bombs fell.  
If they were smart enough to isolate the upper echelons of these allies from the actual operational planning and timing ( as I’m sure the military insisted) we might have actually hit something worthwhile.  As brutal as this might sound the target has to be the ISIS members themselves, not just their equipment.  These people cannot be reasoned with or rehabilitated; they must be killed.  As long as they draw breath they will continue their barbaric acts that any reasonable society must reject.  It is our duty to assist them with their stated goal of martyrdom (they have got be running short of virgins up there). 

The house showings are picking up.  This morning we had another which makes three days in a row.  I know this will be make the ABFA a little nervous but we haven’t had a serious offer yet.  The pristine condition to which the house must be before my wife would allow a stranger to enter gets kind of tiresome and diametrically opposed to my usual state of existence.  Everything I lay down (with the heartfelt intent to pick up later) ends up put away in some mysterious place to reduce clutter.  This would be fine if she could remember where said item was secured.
Back Yard This Morning - Trees are Changing
As I mentioned yesterday the trees are starting to change in earnest around the house heralding my favorite time of year. I started thinking about the fact that we have leaves on the trees for less than half a year around here (May through mid-October).  That seems to be somehow unfair on the cosmic level.  I’ll have to look into lodging some sort of protest.
Welcome to the Workforce!
A big shout out to my namesake nephew.  He recently graduated post secondary school as a trained mechanic and yesterday was his first day of work.  He's been a hard worker for his entire life and I have no doubts he'll be a success in his chosen career.  If his postings on Facebook are to be believed his first day of work was an unqualified success.  Again, no surprise.

I completed my latest sprint through a Vince Flynn thriller yesterday with Act of Treason.  I experienced my usual need to get through the book as quickly as possible because it was interfering with my ability to do anything else.  I know I’m doing this to myself but I can’t help it – these books are that good.  As I’m rushing through I keep telling myself to slow down and enjoy the material because there are a finite number of Flynn books remaining due to his untimely death.  It does no good whatsoever.

Flynn’s formidable hero, Mitch Rapp, is on the trail of an assassin who tried to blow up a presidential candidate or so everybody thinks.  The further he gets into his investigation, with the attendant bits and pieces of the guilty lying about, the closer he gets to the evil government-industrial alliance that put the assassination together.  Another great page turner and I’ve already started on the next one in the series; when will I learn?

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