Saturday, May 5, 2012

First Friday and Yard Saturday

Where We Spent First Friday Last Night (No Snow Though)
Yesterday we finally took a breath at work and conducted what I christened as First Friday.  It is a revered tradition that began when I first arrived in Worcester back in 2005.  I brought it from the military where we always got together on Friday evenings to commemorate the First Friday of the week.  We headed to place where we used to go all the time, Brew City.  We stopped going there because the service was abysmal with the waitresses hanging out together and gabbing while we sat with empty glasses.  I was pleasantly surprised when a very cute redheaded waitress did a fabulous job and kept our glasses full all night.  I’ll definitely go back there.  Our boss surprised us by picking up the tab at the end of the evening, thanking us for all the hard work over the last few weeks.  Did I tell you what a great boss I have?  My wife and I decided to head up to my hometown today after completing some chores.  I cleared all the kitchen counters and put sealant down on the granite.  I was told, by my wife, that the advantage of granite counter tops was the lack of maintenance required.  When am I going to stop listening to the sales pitches when my wife really wants something?  Editor's note:  I can't mention the granite counters without documenting the official color is Green Ubatuba - a friend would never forgive me if I failed. The rest of the morning was spent out in the front yard as my wife and I planted flowers in her garden.  Buddy stayed on patrol the entire time protecting us from bicycle riders and joggers passing by.  My wife kept warning me to be more careful in how I was working because I could hurt my back.  This is part of our normal discourse and I just kept saying, yeah, yeah.  We made a quick trip out to pick some more flowers and when we got back I planted the last of the flowers.  As I turned away and walked up the front porch stairs my back seized up painfully.  My first thought was how I was going to hide this from my wife because of the “I told you so” factor.  She recognized the painful way I was moving and immediately diagnosed and medicated me with a liberal amount of that factor.  Luckily the ibuprofen and hot shower seems to have loosened things up so we’ll be leaving shortly for Keene.  I think the other muscles in the body should protest the amount of work the back gets to do.  Every little thing the body does seems to involve the back, you don’t appreciate how much until the back starts hurting.  Luckily I plan to administer significant amounts of beer to help when I get to Keene.
The Almost Maintenance Free Counters Being Sealed

My Wife Takes Justifiable Pride in Her Gardens

Buddy On Patrol Today - Beware Joggers
Wife Planting in her Favorite Boots

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