Monday, May 7, 2012

Backing Out of the Weekend

Our Favorite Hometown Watering Hole
Well, the back is still out of whack and that made for a very painful Sunday.  It’s never stayed out for so long so I may begin to worry at some point.  We got home yesterday from a truly great, but quick trip up to Keene, New Hampshire, my home town.  We were joined by two of my best friends for dinner and libations.  The local college was graduating that day and it was Cinco de Mayo so we were concerned we would not be able to patronize our favorite watering hole, Margarita’s.  I like the place not so much for the atmosphere or the food but because it’s right in the heart of downtown and always provides an opportunity to watch the town walk by.   We had an incident a few years ago there involving a surly waitress but I eventually decided to relinquish the resulting self-imposed boycott.   Luckily and somewhat inexplicably we walked right into Margaritas and were ensconced in a booth with great views.  My wife left shortly after dinner to explore tax free shopping opportunities.  I had a fantastic time catching up with my two friends and exploring the medicinal effects of demon alcohol for my back.  One of the other advantages of this place is that it is within walking distance of the friend’s house where we were staying the night.  I’m not saying I walked a completely straight line back but we made it.  There was some big deal made about the full moon on Saturday but it looked fairly routine to our combined and fully explored opinion.  The local college kids had fireworks going until about 3am which made for a less than restful night for Buddy, I slept through all of it (again medicinally effected).   When we got home yesterday my wife refused to let me lift anything, not that I could have anyways but I had to mow the lawn.  Every time the grass catcher filled up she demanded that she be summoned to empty it.  I did sneak in one emptying without her knowledge but she watched me like a hawk for the rest of the exercise.  She was such a good sport that I let her driver the mower, something I am completely loathe to do with anyone, for the last little bit.  I enjoyed the almost child like delight she derived from it.  I may have to hide the keys to it while I’m away.  
The Wife and I Administering Treatment
My Two Physician's Assistants - Great People

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good time, Dad! I hope your back feels better!! I'll give you and Mom a call tonight :)
