Friday, May 11, 2012

Cell Respect and Dangerous Backing

I’ve never been a huge fan of cell phones, especially when used by young people driving cars.  Yesterday I finished another Stephen King book, Cell.  He’s up to his old tricks by taking an item from every day life and infusing it with pure terror.  I’m guessing he shares my disdain for the cell phone world and being Stephen King, he takes it to a whole new level.  I didn’t really like the ending which leaves you guessing about the fate of one of the main characters and the mission that drove him for the entire book.  I enjoyed the read though and King kept it moving at a brisk pace, as always.  It was also interesting that the travels of the main group took them through New Hampshire (although the eastern part) and Maine, places I know pretty well.  I came home last night knowing that Amazon had delivered a package containing a couple of my wife’s gifts for Mother’s Day.  When I didn’t see it outside I became concerned that she had acquired the package and was engaged in attempting to ascertain its contents.  She is a convicted package shaker.  As I rush (euphemistically speaking due to my back) into the kitchen I found a severely disfigured Amazon box.  As I was contemplating the ruin I was confronted with my wife came charging up and said she hoped that wasn’t anything fragile (it was).  She explained that she had backed the car over the package which had been left out in the driveway by FEDEX.  I am so glad that I paid extra for the backup camera that her car is equipped with.  She can literally see anything behind the car on a screen directly in front of her.  Since we bought that car she’s also backed into my son’s car causing over a $1000 in damage.  Usually she’s in too much of a hurry to be bothered by such details.  I requested some alone time to inspect the condition of her latest victim and miraculously the presents survived the cataclysm.  I now understand why they put all that bubble wrap in the package – it was squashed flat but evidently saved the presents.  The back continues to improve at a glacial pace.  I can now swing my arms while walking with only a little discomfort.
Not the Actual Package Which Was Crushed Much More Thoroughly

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