Friday, March 16, 2018

Alrighty Then

FBR Back on her Feet with Her New toys

I’m excited to reach the end of another work week because as dedicated readers of Frail Deeds know – it marks the First Friday of the Week with attendant ceremonies. It’s been a busy week as I divested myself of my wife who fled for tropical temperatures one day ahead of a massive snow storm. I felt good about the way Worcester and my workers handled the storm but it can be draining. Yesterday I attended the monthly board meeting where the Voices of Inappropriate Worth made their usual nonsensical ramblings. It could almost lead a man to drink. That is, if needed to be led.
My wife reported in from Panama where she’s been running around catching up with friends and ferrying her mother to the series of medical appointments she always has. My wife feels a little guilty that she lives so far away that her siblings have to do this for most of the year. Since the snow has been melting for three days now I told her she could now complain about how hot it was down there without recrimination. I’m journeying north this weekend for St Patty’s day in my hometown and then a Sunday visit with granddaughter #2. The BRS seems to be growing incredibly fast and I don’t want to miss seeing this up close. As you can see from the pictures she’s already got guys hitting on her.
Dealing with Future Prom Date

The FBR continues to bounce back from her cold and associated lethargy while my daughter fights her own cold. She worked from home yesterday and had a couple of very important conference calls which were a challenge with a re-energized two year old in the background. The FBR contributed a heartfelt scream to one of the conference calls which did nothing whatsoever to endear her to her mother. The FBR received the get well gifts I sent in the form of a Dora the Explorer doll along with whatever that monkey that hangs around Dora is called. You’d think after all the Dora we’ve watched together I’d remember.

I finished the first book in a new series I embarked upon with Marching with Caesar: Birth of the 10th Legion by RW Peake. I’ve always been fascinated with ancient Rome and especially Gaius Julius Caesar. This series follows two young men living in the Roman province of Hispania who volunteer to join the legions and take part in Caesar’s campaign to conquer Lusitania (modern day Portugal). The hero is Titus Pullo who is a very large young man who seems destined for greatness (and he better be if the series revolves around him). It’s a fascinating look at the organization of the Roman legion, the training, and importance of the non-commissioned officers - the centurions. I really enjoyed the read and am already on to the second book heading north with Caesar into Gaul.
As my daughter and Wingman no doubt predicted the MoviePass card is burning a hole in my pocket and I was back at the theater last night to see The Hurricane Heist. One of the most interesting aspects of this was seeing if the British and Australian actors could pull off deep Alabama accents. Toby Kemmel, who can do anything, was the winner of that contest while Ben Cross should stick to South London. Kemmel along with Jason Stackhouse play two brothers helping treasury agent Maggie Grace thwart a massive theft taking place under the cover of a huge hurricane. This is pure popcorn and you should have suspended any disbelief when you heard it was made by the Fast and Furious crew. It’s a fun ride as the good guys use a category 5 hurricane as a weapon against the thieves. There are plot holes you could ride a super storm through but Grace and Kemmel make an interesting pair and you could do a lot worse if you want some senseless action flick with great special effects.

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