Monday, June 19, 2017

Sublime Passage

This Group Together - Matchless Chemistry
I haven't been broadcasting on Frail Deeds for a few days and it's going to be next to impossible to chronicle all the frivolous and heartwarming activities that have transpired since I last wrote. As you know I have a hard and fast rule that I don't waste time writing when I could be hanging out with the First Blog Reader. Since she was in residence from Thursday onward that meant a no-writing cone of silence descended on our abode. I did take a lot of pictures and I think the best way to convey the fun is visually so here we go.
Sorting out Our Horribly Misplaced Fridge Magnets on Friday Morning
Friday was a half day at work before we set out for Rhode Island and the Newport wedding of the Soxfather's niece. It was certainly different from the usual solitary breakfast hour than I'm used to with my granddaughter along to personally supervise all activities. Work was almost an after thought as I rushed through the morning to get back home. We were all staying in the same hotel near the wedding site and timed to ride down to coincide with nap time (my granddaughter's not mine). We had hoped top have adjoining rooms since my mother in law was supposed to babysit for her great granddaughter during the wedding. We ended up just two rooms apart but it worked out fine. Wingman stayed at the hotel for the ceremony and after dinner/bedtime for the little one he ubered to the reception. Before leaving the hotel; he and I re-conned the nearby Chili's for the appropriateness of an after party. One must know the terrain you are operating in.
The Favorite Son and Mom Just Before the Ceremony
The wedding was on one of the Newport’s many wharves and this one was actually where the America’s cup used to be run. We had been dodging thunderstorms all afternoon and while many passed by the tent we were in, other than some heavy winds, there were no problems. This was a godsend since the rest rooms were a short walk outside. Arriving at the tent foretold how much joy was in store. We met up with the ABFA and Favorite Son who were staying in a nearby rental house. We were also reunited with Great Aunt, Soxfather, my Namesake Nephew, and the rest of Soxfather's simply superb extended family. 
Great Aunt with my Daughter and the ABFA

Soxfather and his Brother in Law Flanking Namesake Nephew
There ceremony was short and very sweet and the bride looked simply gorgeous. I find it hard to credit that she was one of the my wife's earliest child care clients. Then again, as I looked down the aisle and spied the strapping young adults who used to be my own small children I'm guessing time flows equally as fast in other families. As the ceremony culminated I was now confronted with the monumental task that a completely open bar entails. I felt I was up to the challenge but this is not the type of opportunity that should be underestimated. My sincere thanks to the ABFA's brother who footed the open bar bill and I shudder to think the impact my family had upon it.
Vows Given with Storm Clouds as a Backdrop

Wife with her Two Kids and the ABFA

Wife and I

With Great Aunt - Of Course
It was a truly memorable night and the rare occasion, once Wingman joined us, that we had the whole group together. I remember looking across the table and thinking I had nearly all the people I am closest to it the world at the same table. It was not a night to let slip without concerted effort to enjoy. I think I did myself proud in that department. I may however have some critics who challenge that assertion when looking at some of the goofy looks in the photos. I assure you it was reflected pure elation.
First Glasses of Wine

Bride and Groom Stop by the Table

Wingman Arrives!
The dance floor was an event. Great Aunt, a few weeks away from knee replacement surgery, was a constant participant. I did mention the open bar, right? The consumption of alcohol had the usual effect of drowning out my preconceptions as to my dancing ability.  It's true testament to how much my children love me that they didn't run screaming from the dance floor when I went through my patented gyrations out there near them; again, so, much fun. The drive back to the hotel was memorable as I offered a running commentary on just about every aspect of observational stimuli. My wife, the designated driver, took my orations in her usual bemused stride.
Son and ABFA on the Dance Floor

Later on Things Became Unfocused - Open Bar!)
Meanwhile back at the hotel my granddaughter slept through all this silliness like a true hero. Her parents snuck into their hotel room hoping against hope not to wake her up. Saturday was a big deal because they had to rush back to New Jersey as my daughter was organizing a Curbside Baby Shower. Taking their hearts into their hands they decided to leave the First Blog Reader in our care until this coming Thursday (YES!). She and I immediately got to work at the hotel building pillow forts. I think this critical task has been sadly neglected in her development. We had a great time at the hotel breakfast as well. This kid can really eat! She then ordered me to take her on a tour of the hotel pool area while my wife and mother in law finished up eating.
Manning the Pillow Fort

Breakfast with Abuela

And Lunch
We made good time driving back to Worcester on Saturday morning. I had a full day ahead of me, in addition to squiring my favorite granddaughter around. Open bar after effects have to be ignored when confronted with her. Later in the afternoon I was called upon to travel again, this time to the north. I was traveling back to my home town for a Bachelor Party like gathering for Keene Freind 2 organized by Keene Freind 1. I arrived precisely on time only to learn #2 had sent a text message saying he was blowing off the party to go to a baseball game. While the majority present thought this as a lame attempt at humor, #1 asked me to provide a  strongly worded voice mail to #2 categorizing our concerns with his statement. I summoned the best infantry speak I could muster. It turned out to be a joke and he joined us at Scores along with a number of his future in-laws as well as a bunch of guys we all went to high school with. That was a lot of fun and none other than the Cantankerous Friend even showed up to shower us with his invective.
The Boys at Scores
Most of us ended up back at #1's house and I barely left the couch as a second night of determined beer consumption is not as easy as it once was (not that I have abandoned the approach). It was a lot of fun hanging around with these guys, some of which I've known since the third grade. As planned, I woke up early on Father's Day on that same couch. I stole away (taking a page out of #1's playbook) and was back home a little after 6am. That gave me an entire hour to rest up until my granddaughter would demand my fealty. We took her to church where she performed magnificently, lasting until the final dismissal without causing a ruckus. We took her with us for our usual Sunday grocery store run where she discovered the joy of the shopping cart with an attached kiddie car. Her grandfather had less fun maneuvering this monstrosity through the crowded aisles but her joy and imperious direction givings were worth the effort. She went a little berserk when I told her she had to get out after I loaded in the groceries in the car. She only calmed down when I told her there was a good chance her aunt and uncle would be waiting for us at home.
In the Kiddie Car

Grampa Entrusted with the Pushing
Fortune held as they were waiting for us and they provided the key element in making this one of the best Father's Day ever. My granddaughter is really taken with both of them, even when they don't bring Grandpuppy Riggins with them. My son manned the grill for Father's Day steaks rescuing us from the fate of having my wife incinerate them (it's one of her very few failings - to her red meat must be carbonized). It was one of those low key family afternoons that can't be adequately described as to what made it so special but I couldn't be happier with the time I got to spend with these special people. Son and ABFA had to pay further respects at the ABFA's parents' house on their way back home so we didn't have them nearly as long as I wished but it still made the day.
Instructing her Uncle on Proper hand Washing Technique

Man Cave converted into Spare Bedroom Due to her August Presence

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