Friday, June 2, 2017

Stair Building

My Supervisor and Me Out On Deckzilla After "our" Work on the Hill
Some Fridays hold greater portent than others and, while no Friday should be underestimated, it’s hard to contain my enthusiasm for this upcoming weekend. Before 2017 a drive to New Jersey would have held zero cool points and even less fervor. The move of the former California Contingent earlier this year decidedly changed that calculation forever. We leave in the early AM tomorrow to assist in celebrating not only the new home but also the 40th birthday of that august personality – Wingman!
Staircase Progress
For that reason Frail Deeds will be going off the air for a couple days because the First Blog Reader does not condone extended time on the computer in place of worshipping her. For my own part, despite the physical toll of keeping up with an 18 month old, it is also definitely preferable to trying to capture the fun in words. So you are spared my nonsensical ravings for the entire weekend, which should be cause for celebration (if you need one). I certainly will be.
My Idol
In what has become a nightly ritual now that we have some better weather I was back out on the hillside last evening.  If I thought I taxed my wife’s Highlander yesterday with my Home Depot load I may have set a new record for Camrys last night. I still needed more dirt to fill the cavernous area behind the newest terrace. Since my wife had her car gallivanting/shopping (huge surprise) I had to use my poor Camry. Eight hundred pounds of dirt seems to have exceeded the weight limits for it but somehow I made it home by avoiding even the slightest bumps in the road. I think I am officially qualified in the “low rider” category.

Once I had the dirt in place I tackled the stair project with some very useful help from my wife’s uncle who’s always casting about to help around the house. Buddy provided some less than useful supervision from his vantage point on Deckzilla. My wife returned from her shopping foray to offer her usual cogent input on the quality of my work. In a stark adjustment to her usual modus operandi she actually approved of the work. We were able to complete the lower half of the stairs but the upper half will have to wait until our return from New Jersey. Despite opinions to the contrary I am smart enough not to attempt any work this evening after celebrations to mark the First Friday of the Week.
Old Facility Back in December

I had kind of a jolt to my psyche yesterday. I was out driving around Worcester to spot check on some upcoming route changes. We happened to drive by the location of our old facility and found that it was gone, literally. I drove by a couple weeks ago and saw they had started demolition but it was startling to see the sprawling complex had been reduced to piles of rubble in such a short span of time. I didn't realize I was kind of attached to the old dump until it no longer existed. As I thought about it, I worked longer in that building than any other place in my adult life. The Army always moved me every couple of years. Yet another reason to raise a toast later this afternoon.

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