Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tying in a Granite State Farewell

My wife’s fashion sense once again exploded on the scene yesterday. It is well chronicled that I have zero fashion sense which made serving in the military, where they tell you what to wear each day, a Godsend to anyone I worked with. I cannot remember the last article of clothing I purchased for myself (outside of the odd pub t-shirt during pone of my habitual crawls). My wife has really risen to the occasion during our marriage to insure I don’t look like a poster child for the fashion challenged. Moving into the civilian world where I actually have to decide what to wear each day has allowed full rein dressing her life size “Ken” doll. I was a little worried yesterday when I saw the uniform of the day involving a blue shirt and an orange tie. Since I’ve come to terms with my complete lack of style I threw caution to the winds and headed into work. We had an early morning meeting and every single female at the meeting came up to me and complimented me on my “ensemble”. I dutifully reported this to my favorite Panamanian who only nodded sagely.
I’ve noted before that the move into Worcester has opened up more possibilities since travel times have been reduced compared to our more remote Charlton habitation. Yesterday we took advantage of this new mobility by journeying up to Keene after work to participate in a birthday/farewell party at Keene Friend 2’s home for his girlfriend’s daughter. I reported last year on a similar party as she prepared to leave for a job in Argentina. She and my wife ended up salsa dancing in the yard so she was culturally prepared for the move.
Wife and I With Guest of Honor
She’s had a great year down south although her mother misses her desperately. She was only able to come back for two weeks and is returning today to Argentina. Although there was a lot of competition to talk with her she managed to relate her year of adventure which included witnessing the huge volcanic explosion in neighboring Chile and becoming a member of a local salsa team (yep).
Great Time
It was a great, understated time and I got to hang with Keene Friend 2 as he performed duties at the grill. His girlfriend’s huge family descended on the yard to wish the young lady a bon voyage and it was fun to sit on the side of all that reflected love. As the sun was setting and the voracious New Hampshire mosquitos started their nightly infiltration we bid adieu. We stopped in to wake up Keene Friend 1 who had just returned from extended hours in his un-air conditioned work.

Wife and Keene Friend 2
We were back home in time to see the latest Sox debacle but also felt recharged that being close enough to be able to attend the party. This move just keeps paying benefits although my wife did spend the afternoon out shopping with the neighboring Mafioso. I kelp forgetting to seize her credit cards when I leave for work.
Great People

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