Monday, July 20, 2015

Graduated Response

Yesterday's Honoree and her Donut Cake
A late post today as actual employment thrust its ugly noggin most impertinently into my Monday; more on that tomorrow. Yesterday I was in full recovery mode from being sucked into the vortex that is my wife’s shopping world. Luckily we had a trip to Rhode Island planned to visit my sister and her fabulous in-laws, just the medication needed for my thoroughly bruised soul.
Toasting the Grad
The occasion was a graduation party for my brother in law’s niece who recently completed studies at Fairfield University. A good measure of the quality of this young lady was her decision to have the party on St Mary’s Day, a major holiday for Rhode Island Italians (I’m convinced 95% of the population). This was also a day best remembered by her family and us non-Italians as party day at Miss Louise’s house. Miss Louise, the graduate’s beloved grandmother, would have loved that she chose to honor the important part her grandmother played in her life by having the party on her special day. Some people just cannot be honored enough.
Wife Catching up With Some of my Sister's In-Laws
The graduate’s mother continued her traditional role of complaining about the photos I’ve taken of her and reporting on my cupcake consumption to my wife. There was the usual mountain of food (AND A DONUT CAKE!!!!) to accompany the superlative company. The graduate’s father’s brother showed up wearing the exact same outfit I had on. All the guys just shrugged their shoulders and moved on. A different story from the ladies present, every single female at the party at some point came up to me to report this to me. They expected me to be scandalized. I wasn’t. My twin and I clinked beers to celebrate our mutual good taste and partied on. It must be a gal thing.
My Brother in Law with a Recently Reincarnated Narragansett Beer
We returned home in time (now only 47 minutes with the move to Worcester) to complete some sadly neglected Sunday chores. The next door Mafiosi were up to their old tricks of trapping us into sitting outside on the patio with them but I finally did set up a chair swing we’ve had for nearly ten years (a gift from the same sister we just visited). There was never a good place at our old house but the new deck offered a perfect spot. Buddy was less than impressed as the new feature to “his” backyard will prevent him from tangling himself up on the deck posts, something he’s taken a real liking to since the move.

My Wife with the Mafioso's Grandkids on The Long Delayed Swing
Buddy Protesting
We also discovered a robin’s nest on the underside of the deck with some very well behaved young birds occupying the nest, not making a peep while being visually inspected. Their parents were making a lot of noise from a nearby roof. Since the nest is right in the middle of Buddy’s yard, this will make their flying lessons interesting. They will not lack for motivation.
The Well Mannered Birds Peeking Out of Nest

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