Thursday, July 30, 2015

Reconnaissance in Force

I thought last night would be a leisurely period of rest following a sweltering day at work. I (once again) underestimated my wife’s capacity for finding tasks for me to accomplish. I was barely settled my typical post-work decent into sloth when I was informed of the need for a reconnaissance to locate possible baby shower locations. The old “taking the bit in the mouth” saying would be a grotesque understatement to describe my wife when she is in the party planning mode; especially given this is for her daughter (AND first grandchild!).
I bowed to the inevitably of the demands and soon found myself winging back into Worcester. Since my wife often fails to eat meals when she is in her “ultra-planning” mode I suggested we actually eat dinner at one of the reconnaissance objectives. She grudgingly agreed to this minor delay which turned out to be a lot of fun since it was at one of my favorite eating establishments in Worcester – the Flying Rhino. It’s definitely for a younger crowd and we were the oldest patrons, by far, but a lot of fun.
I told my wife we had to swing by my office but this was soon forgotten as the reconnaissance zone expanding to outlying towns. I spent some time sitting in restaurant parking lots while the whirling dervish I’m married to inspected rooms. I was required to contact the daughter of our neighboring Mafioso to obtain directions to a restaurant they passed by earlier in the week but that was the sum total of my contributions. She’s heading out today with the Mafioso to finalize the selection, apparently my input is unnecessary for the final decision (for which I am more than pleased – agonizing is not my strong suit).

After our semi-safe return from the reconnaissance mission I finally did get to catch up with the final episodes of Hannibal I had saved up which were every bit as spellbinding as promised by the Cali-Daughter. It’s almost fitting that the series is ending now than the cannibal chef is incarcerated. It’s less fun not seeing him thwart pursuit. I am going to miss the texture of the show though.

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