Friday, July 10, 2015

So Ready

We have reached, at long last, after seemingly endless obstacles and not without a significant amount of effort, the Frist Friday of the Week. This accomplishment should not be underestimated and certainly celebrated for the pure grit and determination required achieving this singular conquest of the work week. It was one of those weeks where minor irritants seemed to acquire additional potency to inflict distraction. I know we’ve all experienced weeks like this past one, which is why the beer on Friday always tastes so much better.
Yesterday saw the gnats of ineptitude finally decisively swatted. The onerous technical tasks that haunted my every waking hour were handed off to the technical company which now has to make sense of their nonsensical requirements. My excellent boss told me to threaten them with another incendiary conference call with him if they regained their ability to posture again.
In the immortal words of some unknown Latin scholar and a motto my late mother adopted with some vehemence - “Non Carborundum Illegitimi”. Liberally translated this means – “Don’t let the bastards get your down”. I’m told the proper way to form the sentence is to put Illegitimi first but it sounds better the other way (apologies to Mrs. Galloway, my 10th grade Latin teacher). I’ve found this a very meaningful and appropriate way to approach life.
There will always be a percentage, thankfully small, who seem to find pleasure in making life difficult for others. Since summary execution, the most effective way of performing the necessary culling, is frowned upon by the authorities they are best addressed by ignoring or, when necessary, confronting in their ignorance. Life is decidedly too short to allow the “Illegitimi” any capacity to determine the quality of one’s existence.

Fortunately the quality of my own existence will experience a quantum leap forward this weekend as we finally break free of the drudgery of the past month’s move into a new house. We’ll re-establish contact with my home town which has been sadly neglected over the past couple months (I’m sure much to their consternation, wondering why their beer sales were so severely depressed). I plan on rectifying that tonight with a thunder run up to my old haunt to link up my the Keene Friend. Later on this weekend, in a rare treat, my college roommate returns to the lake of his youth from his Pittsburgh lair. He and his Mrs. are renting a cottage along the route of the infamous 1st and 2d Annuals, a story that is sure to be resurrected but not re-enacted (if there is a God) this weekend. 

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