Sunday, February 9, 2014

Labrador Snow Bunny and the Hour Killer

The Back Yard Before Buddy's Incursions
I was determined to get Buddy outside yesterday in recognition of his stoic toleration of my wife’s two month absence.  He handles the day long isolations while I’m at work with aplomb even though he does the same thing he does when my wife is home – sleep a lot.
And After - You Can Se How Fast the Exit was
He’s an unabashed worshipper of the white stuff though.  He turns puppy-like when he realizes its snowing outside (that white stuff – obviously).  Over the past week he’s had several occasions to indulge his fascination but the back yard, despite three straight days of solar reduction was still pristine and untrod upon.
The Snow Bunny - Fresh From a Burrow
We changed all that and he got into one of his “can’t contain my excitement” modes when he saw me donning the cold weather gear.  The snow cover was shortly thereafter no longer pristine as a black colored guided missile was bouncing from corner to corner.  He burrowed impressively under the snow for the elusive quarry that’s not really there but still accepted my enthusiastic praise for his actions. 
Apologizing for a Tackle
I think he sensed I was dong this for him and only knocked me down twice instead of the usual half dozen when I attempted to outrun him.  I don’t think this separation from the wife would be tolerable without this constant black lab entertainment/companionship.
The Now Trod Upon Back Yard
Since I’m making a run up to Keene today yesterday was all about accomplishing weekend chores.  I cleaned up the basement and hit not one but two grocery stores (my wife would have burst with pride).  While washing clothes I also set about cooking yet another pot roast (I’m nothing if not consistent).  In a true departure though I gave my wife’s keto dessert recipe a try.  It’s simple but definitely out of my comfort zone since it involves whipping some actual cream.  I felt the need to call her and report progress – it turned out pretty well (I may have used a heavy finger on the amount of sugar substitute but that’s between you and me).
The Dessert and Yes I Did Clean Up Afterwards (kind of)
While all this was going on I also started another puzzle, this one a 1000 piecer.  I could not believe the instant increase in the velocity of time when I was immersed in the puzzle.  I took to calling it the “hour killer” because I would occasionally glance up to discover yet another hour had fallen victim to my effort.  Buddy was still resting from his snow adventures so he didn’t try his signature move – stealing and eating one piece (he’s not a fan of puzzles).  In the isolated house, faster is better in terms of time flow.
The Hour Killer Awaiting Attention
As stated above, I head north today for an afternoon visit with my Keene Friend who has one of his rare days off.  We may take in a movie or see if the bars that failed to sell t-shirts during recent pub crawls have been resupplied.  Anybody up there who cares to join us already know his number so call for details.

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