Saturday, February 8, 2014

Keto Vacation Extravaganza

Okay so I was feeling a little down yesterday but there’s nothing that can lift my spirits (well I can I think of a few others – mostly involving a short little Latina) more than a well timed vacation day from my ketogenic diet.  Since I have sagely decided that the weekly vacation day will fall on Friday it was win win when my boss declared a First Friday was also in the offing.

First thing in the morning I rescued all the detritus from my under attended Super Bowl from the freezer.  This meant a bowl of chocolate chip cookies for a lunch dessert and two, not just one, whoopee pies for supper.  We’re talking a serious morale boost at this point.
Lunch - With Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Work has been uncharacteristically slow this past week which probably led to my subpar morale situation; staying busy is important.  I started printing out hard copies of the blog from when I first started.  My goal is to eventually have the entire blog printed out for those increasingly distant grandchildren as I will probably be well in to my dotage before they can read.  It’s kind of scary (and not a little bit of fun) to go back read your own meanderings from a couple years ago and it brings some clarity on how times and opinions migrate.

First Friday was well attended and since the traffic was backed up outside the window we decided an extra round was called for (and delivered).  My excellent boss waxed poetic with some bracing adjectives about the sanity of some of our political leadership.  The traffic died down to the point we felt compelled to get on with our Friday and it still took me nearly an hour to get home as the traffic gods were seriously messing with Worcester for no readily apparent reason.
Brew City Last Night
After a brief love fest Buddy allowed me to continue my non-ketogenic extravaganza at Zorba’s.  I was in for a bit of a shock.  Readers of this blog know there is a young waitress that, in the best traditions of chivalric custom, I have worshipped platonically from afar.  I’m guessing the shock of meeting my son last week was too much for her because she was sporting a head of newly dyed, very pink hair; talk about your buzz kill.  I’m going to have to find another object of fascination.
Entrance to Zorba's - Pink Hair on Left
Several of the other waitresses came over to talk and asked about Panama and my wife (of course).  I’ve always enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere at Zorba’s and it was a boon for a lonely soul last night.  I guess I was still in shock from the pink hair because I accidently a large pizza (honest) instead of the usual small one when I’m alone.  There was nothing left to do but eat the damned thing, a sacrifice I was more than willing to attempt.  I couldn’t box up any leftovers because the keto vacation does not extend beyond Friday.

As I neared the last piece I was reminded of my college days eating in the dining facility.  Occasionally they would serve all you could eat fried chicken and I can remember stumbling back to my dorm room with my roommate, both of us stuffed beyond rational thought.  A good hour’s worth of digestion was required before any physical activity was possible.  So I had the training (albeit a bit rusty) required.
The Last Piece - Approaching Destruction
This could have had dire consequences on my planned destruction of whoopee pies but Buddy insisted on a little running around when I got back (he did most of the running).  I had a nice, long conversation with my too distant wife which reminded me how fortunate I truly am.  Then I made popcorn and ate the pies!  (a true keto escape).  My digestive system will pay the price today (my son in law knows what that means).

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