Thursday, April 11, 2013

Virginia Bound

I hate the day before a long trip when there is so much to get done and never enough time to do everything.  This morning I’m driving down to Virginia to join my bride fore the wedding ceremony for the daughter of a close friend.  Yesterday was spent packing, moving Buddy down to Rhode Island and hosting the rest of the Maine family of the friend who drove down with my wife on Monday.
Scene from the Interview - Eyes Right!
I was taking a little ribbing at work as my long awaited television interview finally aired.  I think I did okay although I could tell that when I wasn’t talking I was making a concerted effort not to look down the gaping neckline of the interview host; read earlier blog entry to find out why.

To make matters worse, the one thing I was looking forward to yesterday, lunch with my son, had to be cancelled.  He reported feeling poorly so he wasn’t available for lunch.  My truly outstanding boss filled in by taking me out to lunch at the nearby Tweed’s restaurant.  It’s an Irish bar/restaurant that makes a great cheeseburger – talk about being in my wheelhouse. 
I got home and I swear that friggin dog of mine can read minds because he knew he was headed for a trip – something he loves.  We got down to Rhode Island and he quickly linked up with his cousin Bailey to wreak havoc on my sister’s back yard.  He definitely did not like the idea of me leaving without him.  My sister called later in the evening to report a huge thunderstorm and the attendant panic attack by Buddy the Pendejo.

Buddy and Bailey on the Prowl
My Sister Trying to Distract Buddy So I Could Escape
My wife called to report there had been a major change in the planned wedding garb for herself – I’m guessing some Virginia shopping is responsible but details were scarce.  As her dress had changed apparently that meant the color of my shirt had to change also.  I’ve learned enough not to question.  She walked me around the house and made her new selections via face time video on the I-Phone.  Some things about the new technology she grasps (with both hands). 

I watched the first discouraging loss of the year for the Sox who blew a two run lead in the 9th inning as their new closer imploded and gave up five runs; so it begins. I still like this team though.

Shake It Off Big Guy!
Our friends from Maine showed up late in the evening and I’m posting this shortly before heading out on the road.  I’m actually looking forward to this trip because I have so many, really cherished memories of Northern Virginia – especially my last tour.  I may even get a chance on Friday morning to get out on the running trail through Old Town Alexandria that I used to run every afternoon.  First the eight hour drive though, sonofa…

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