Monday, April 8, 2013

Gemelas From the North

Yesterday was a huge surprise, a 2013 weekend day with good weather.  My wife and I slept in a little bit after Saturday night’s adventures.  She spent most of the day packing for a trip to Virginia for the wedding of the daughter of a close friend.
Buddy Returning with his Prey
Buddy and I used our respite to get out into the yard and hone his frisbee catching skills.  He seems adamantly opposed to catching it in the air but he administers severe damage once he tracks it down.  After his hard fought battle with the plastic he rarely gives it back without a fight.
Well, Yeah!!!!
Speaking of going without a fight, the Blue Jays laid a real egg yesterday as the rapidly rising (in estimation) Red Sox administered a good old fashioned pummeling, winning 13-0.  Lester pitched like we knew he could (but hasn’t) and the offense looked absolutely Blue Jayian by hitting six home runs, including three (and almost a fourth) by one of their best young players, Middlebrooks.  They faced a knuckleballer and it was so nice, after spending so many years with Tim Wakefield, to be on the other side when a knuckleballer melted down.
Friends Together Again
My wife has two very close friends here in the U.S.  They’ve been friends since meeting as newly arrived Latinas in the early 1980s.  They’ve been sisters of the heart since that time.  One of their daughters is getting married in Alexandria, Virginia later this week so the other two are heading down to help. 
Amazing Capacity to Converse
One, who lives in Maine, arrived last night at our house.  She is a master cake maker and will be baking the one for the wedding.  I’ve always kidded her and welcomed her and the “gemelas” (Spanish for twins) in the house.  It is so fun to watch her and my wife launch into non-stop conversation, each able to finish the other’s sentences.  Of course, whoever is speaking the loudest gets to talk, so I donned my headphones so I could hear the television over the decibel ridden talk. 
A Truly Great Friend
They spent a couple hours modeling proposed dresses for the wedding to gain the other’s approval – real sisters.  Once they reached tentative decisions they joined me to watch the movie I’d been holding off until they were prepared.  More conversation followed until they reluctantly retired for the day around 1AM (it’s how they roll).  They leave this morning for Virginia while Buddy and I are once again batching it for a couple days (at least we have some practice at that). 

Contruction Downhill Continues - The Beginning of a Driveway

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