Monday, February 26, 2018

Role Model Encounter

The BRS Surrounded by Role Models

A very important event happened in the life of the BRS this past weekend. She met one of her great grandmothers for the first time. She also shares part of her name with this special lady. I know this woman, the ABFA’s paternal grandmother, played a big role in molding the ABFA’s values and outlook on life. As I said when the BRS first appeared – she was very fortunate to be surrounded by a large number of very strong female role models and this weekend she got to meet one of them. She is truly blessed.

Granddad Hangs

Not much to report as I head into Monday because I spent most of Sunday in a vegetative state recovering from Saturday’s exertions and a cold that didn’t want to retreat. I developed a new found admiration navigating around Netflix which I’d never spent a lot of time doing. I usually just found what I went in looking for, watched it, and left (kind of like my approach to shopping). Swirling through the different menus I found a lot of stuff I’ll probably end up watching eventually, if I ever do retire. I was in Netflix because my daughter is trying to convince me to watch the iconic series Mad Men which I’d never seen before. Since she (and my son) are my pop culture gurus I take their suggestions seriously. I am trying but I find liking this series very hard because there is no one to root for. I want to strangle each and every character (some more than others, granted). I’m up to episode five of the first season and will keep on banging away at it hoping to discover what made it so popular.
Wingman was scheduled to return to the east coast late last night from his stay with his mother, helping her out as she deals with the unfortunate passing of her husband. He sent me this picture of a beautiful black lab and asked me (I thought jokingly) if I wanted another black lab. I opened a message this morning to learn he was actually serious. His mom now has 4 dogs, a cat, a bird, 2 lambs, a granddaughter, and a great-granddaughter to take care of all by herself. While my heart immediately leapt to getting another dog (I really miss having one) my brain overruled it since we’ll be spending several months in Panama in upcoming years and that would make it too hard. Anybody out there reading this who does want a lab, and I cannot recommend the experience highly enough, please email me. I did point out to Wingman that his daughter, the FBR, was a well know admirer of the canine species. That dog lover rebelled against the ending of our FaceTime call last night until she demonstrated some of her dance moves (to the music of Moana, of course).
I polished off another book by Marc Allan Edelheit, he of Stiger’s Tigers fame, with Lost Legio IX, The Karus Saga. He posits the 9th Roman Legion of Emperor Hadrian was not wiped out by Celtic tribes but instead transported to another world to fight in wars there against evil. Edelheit does a fantastic job of bringing the reader into the day to day life and fights of the Roman legionnaire. I can’t wait for the next book in the series to come out.

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