Friday, February 2, 2018


I’m faced with my annual task of preparing the house for the imminent return of the ultimate household authority. My Favorite Panamanian flies home tomorrow, an early return for this snow bird, necessitated by the equally imminent BRS. I’m in a semi-fugue state because I’m really not stressing that much. The plants are all mostly alive and as I wrote about recently, she’s ruined my chaotic housekeeping habits to the point the house really isn’t in bad shape. Somehow I’m disappointed in myself for this. My wife was out with the girls last night. She and the Neighborhood Mafioso met a group of my wife’s friends at my favorite David restaurant El Fogon. I’m sure sangria was involved.
This is What She's Flying Back Into
Re-emerging in the political debates, as promised, I continue to be dismayed by our president’s approach. He finally accomplished something with the tax plan (just saw my end of month pay – very cool) and I’m hearing his State of the Union was well received, bordering on “statesmanlike” (who saw that coming?). He follows this up with a decision to attack two pillars of his own executive branch – the FBI and the Justice Department. He seems incapable of controlling himself, letting his egomaniacal demons tweet himself back into a state of buffoonery. He’s on a slippery slope towards creating obstruction of justice where none may have existed. I think the term I’m looking for is - hubris.
I cannot let this contradictory behavior impact on a day a full week in the making – yes – the First Friday of the Week. As usual this momentous date will be met with appropriate remembrances of the week just passed lubricated with an equally appropriate measure of adult beverages. The fair ladies of Brew City will be instrumental in these ceremonies as will my co-workers who will be free to debate all the bad decisions their boss made this week. It has been interesting with nearly half of my managers either sick, departed, or departing. That’s actually made it a little more interesting. I’m kind of an idiot.

I saw the Movie Winchester last night which didn’t scare me as much as I thought it would. It would have been a complete disaster with the presence of Helen Mirren who plays Sarah Winchester, heir to the Winchester rifle fortune. She’s building a huge mansion to house all the ghosts of victims of her company’s weapons. Who knew the gun control movement was founded in the spirit world? The rest of the cast were Australian and English actors struggling mightily with their American accents while Dame Helen glides through the film, completely dominant. There’s a neat little twist with one of the butlers but the rest of the story felt a little more mundane than it should have. The house ought to have been a contributing character, a la Hell House, but the film makers missed on that. It was just kind of there. I expected more of a scary ride than I got. The most interesting facet of the movie is that the house and Widow Winchester actually existed, not so sure about the ghosts.
Wife and the Gals Out Partying Last Night

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