Saturday, April 30, 2016

B.F.B. Friday

While reacquainting myself with the myriad tasks I have to take on with my Favorite Panamanian on the wrong coast I noticed that Buddy the Wonder Pooch had almost eaten his way through yet another of his mongoso bags of dog food. This necessitated a trip to the local big box store where mongoso bags abide. My wife, never one to let one of my activities go unsupervised, provided a list of the other items I should purchase there, complete with coupons (why that embarrasses me I have no idea).
These Two Ladies Seem to be Enjoying Each Other's Company
The end result was a purchase of a huge gob of hamburger in addition to the Buddy bag. While unwinding at First Friday my wife joined us via Facetime. If I was a suspicious individual I would think she’s was checking to see that I was dateless (as if that was an issue with her ardent supporters on all sides of me). I returned home and since dinner was left to my less than completely sober hands I attacked the huge gob. That resulted in two B.F.B.’s. The two B’s stand for Big and Burger, you can figure the rest out.
The BFB's Before Immolation
Buddy was of course fascinated by the process and hoping I would trip over him on way back and forth to the grill. Alas, canine hopes were dashed and I eventually finished off the BFB’s although it was nowhere near as easy as I thought going in. The overall effect was reduce me to near vegetative state as I watched Yankee pitching mow down Red Sox hitters for seemingly the 100th time in a row. As I emerged from my comatose state later in the evening some old (literally) Bosox magic materialized when Big Papi launched a game winning home run in the bottom of the eighth. Buddy wondered why I was suddenly dancing like it was 2004. It’s always more special when they do it to the Evil Empire. The Yanks will have to be the happiest that Ortiz is retiring this year.
Wingman headed out last night on his farewell tour and I could tell just how heartbroken he was to leave his family. The farewell tour is happening for just that reason. My granddaughter is being eased into solid foods and yesterday was her first exposure to avocado which a friend of my daughter had recommended. I’m concerned that she has received her taste bud genes from her grandfather because she looks to savor the green stuff as much as I do. I wonder how soon before she can have a burger?

The Avocado Attempts

I know, Yuuch!
I am now I the midst of harried housecleaning as a potential renter is coming by to see the house this afternoon. There’s a certain lady out on the west coast very nervous that I’ve been left in charge of house cleanliness when a stranger is allowed into “her” house. Buddy is absolutely no help in this area, following me around to apply cold nose to any window I’ve cleaned. We’re trying to help out the owner of the house we’re renting as much as possible since he’s been a great landlord. The people coming to see the house live two houses down the street, literally across from the house we’re buying. If they take this house late June could be an interesting time at the top of our hill with household goods moving ping ponging back and forth.

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