Wednesday, April 27, 2016

La Changita y su Neco

64 Years Ago
Nearly 6.5 decades worth of marriage can produce some affectionate nicknames. The titles above are the pet names my wife’s parents refer to each other with. They celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary yesterday and are testament to the enduring power of love to overcome severe challenges. They raised five kids and the four who remain absolutely dote on them. They had to deal with the loss of their oldest daughter to cancer but emerged intact if quietly mournful. They’re both well into their eighties but still get up each day in the house they’ve lived most of their married life in.
More Recently
My father in law was climbing the backyard orange trees until his children finally teamed up a couple years ago to convince him this was too dangerous. I wouldn’t be surprised if he still tries it when they’re not around. My mother in law is an accomplished seamstress who still creates handmade clothes without use of a pattern, her most recent accomplishments were modeled by my granddaughter. They certainly love their grandchildren and it was so heartwarming to see both of them fall immediately and hopelessly in love with their great granddaughter when the First Blog Reader visited in February. They’ve completely welcomed the big gawky gringo my wife dragged into the family, even when that wasn’t a popular move in some quarters. So “felicidades” to Changita and Neco. Thanks for being such great examples of the value of married life.
With Two of their Daughters Including the Favorite Panamanian
I took their daughter out for a date last night as we saw The Huntsman: Winter’s War which isn’t as bad as the current scouring it’s undergoing in popular media. The filmmakers did the right thing by removing Snow White and going to the only thing watchable in the original movie – Thor with axes instead of a hammer. They then tried to tap into the popularity of Frozen by creating an evil ice queen to hold the fort/ice palace until Charlize returns late in the movie to chew up some scenery. As stated above, I kind of liked the movie but there was a lot to forgive. The shoe horned prequel/sequel plot didn’t help but let us remind ourselves this is fantasy and stories should be allowed some leeway to breath. Thor’s bemused action credentials are fully redeemed and he seemed to be having a lot of fun. Of course, that’s easy when you’re surrounded by Blunt, Charlize, and especially Jessica Chastain who dominates as the love interest. The four leads and some feisty dwarves made this watchable if not memorable.
I’m rapidly approaching the end of my run through the Joe Pickett series with Stone Cold by CJ Box. In this one Joe is called by the governor to investigate some strange goings on in a remote Wyoming county which might involve old friend Nate while Joe’s daughters add some minor if entertaining plot lines. Box finally cuts Joe a break and lets him be an effective investigator instead of just stumbling into situations where his bone deep decency eventually rescues him. This plot takes place over just a few action filled days which culminates in a startling shootout in the middle of yet another Wyoming snow storm.
Here are some of Box’s words as Joe commandeers an ancient snow mobile to rush towards that shootout with his faithful dog Daisy along for the ride: “The suit was warm, but the cold air stung his face. His shotgun was secured to the front of the machine by bungee cords and the ATV saddlebags were strapped to the back. Daisy sprawled on her belly across what once had been the seat. He could see her hind end under his left arm and her head under his right. She looked out at the passing trees with a kind of stoic dumbness unique to Labradors, and he was grateful he owned a dog not bright enough to be frightened. Fine powdered snow covered her snout.”

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