Thursday, April 21, 2016


Not much going on over the past 24 hours other than two very engaging FaceTime calls to each coast/child. Both the First Blog Reader and Riggins were every bit as entertaining as expected. We even managed to squeeze in a few words with the adults during the calls. So, without the trusty source of family news to bore you with I have to revert to form and engage in some ranting.
One of the touchstone issues of not only our society but everywhere one earth is racism. It doesn’t make sense, never has, never will. I’ve always thought its use was for the weak-minded. I truly think society is ready to move beyond the limiting effect of racist thought if we weren’t so ready to exclude ourselves. Under the skin we are a remarkably homogeneous species, where organs can be transplanted regardless of ethnicity of the donor/recipient. A friend recently posted this picture on Facebook to make the point (I like the inclusion of the pirate).

I speak of excluding in that large groups of people want to be classified by their skin color and go to great lengths to insure they are judged and gleefully judge others by their skin color.  I don’t think there’s a rational explanation other than persistent victimhood or just plain orneriness. I know the PC police is quivering in anticipation to label me a racist for even thinking the poor oppressed minorities would fight against inclusion but the proof is out there. I’m a firm believer that 100 years from now we’ll achieve the dream of judging each other by the content of each other’s character. Until then we’re stuck with the Al Sharptons and Donald Trumps of the world who’ve made racism a career choice.

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