Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fashion Challenged

One of the big surprises I had when I retired was how poor my fashion sense was.  In the Army it was so easy – I knew exactly what to wear to work every day – the decision was made for me.  I just had to know what uniform to put on.   Now every morning I have to choose what color tie goes with what color shirt and trousers – its all very daunting.  I have really noticed this since my wife has been away for the last few weeks.  She always made the choices for me and ensured I didn’t make a fashion spectacle of myself heading to work having made unfortunate wardrobe choices.  Obviously I had my own civilian clothes while in the Army but I noticed that after a few years of marriage that all my clothes were ones that my wife bought for me.  I think she decided early in our marriage that I had absolutely no fashion sense.  I think it was the cowboy boots I was wearing.  While I was never a fashion explosion I didn’t realize I was so bad at it.  My wife did and to her credit she didn’t just come out and tell me.  Over the years all my bachelor clothes gradually disappeared to be replaced with her choices.  To honest I’d never cared real deeply about what I was wearing -  hmmm – maybe the source of the problem.  I know that if I’m going out with the wife that I should get dressed in time for her to do a surreptitious inspection.  Most of the few fights we now have are about my stubbornness – refusing to change clothes she has found unacceptable.  She always wins because I’ve realized she really does know better.  We still have the fights though – I can’t have her realizing how much control I’ve ceded to her.   So in the final analysis The Army crippled my fashion sense and my wife eradicated what little I did have – Thank God.

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