Friday, December 15, 2017


Sun Does Rise at her Command
I was cursed by Worcester’s central location and my new facility yesterday which led to my being volunteered to host another regional conference for my company yesterday. This marked the second year in row for that “honor”. It turned out to be a very good day and the caterers showed up on time this year, a huge departure from last year’s debacle. It’s truly additive to share the issues each property is faced with and the commonality of a lot of those issues. I invited the political leadership this year and think it was eye opening for him. All that being said, it was a daylong meeting and I have problems with any meeting lasting longer than an hour.
Teddy Bear Dancing

I exorcised that frustration when I returned home and picked up my ongoing battle with my wife’s front yard Christmas deer population. They’ve been singularly uncooperative in dealing with the hilltop winds we’ve experienced over the past few days, especially the head of the deer household. They have stakes built into the bottom of their legs but they were no match for the force they’ve had to confront. I was out there last night in single digit temperatures trying the convince the male deer to grow a pair and start following the example set by his wife and kid who don’t fall nearly as much. I finally resorted to some patio stones and some guide ropes. What a wimp.
The Uncooperative one on the Left

Finally Up Again
I was lucky in speaking with both of the “kids” last night. My son and the ABFA had just returned home and Riggins the Grandpuppy had not yet set into gnawing on my son’s ankles so we had some time to talk. By the time we finished we had solved all of the Red Sox’ off season’s needs. This was followed by a talk with my daughter and the FBR. The FBR can now recite the entire alphabet song which should come in handy if she’s pulled over during the holiday season. She seems to be getting cranked up for Christmas which is certainly a family trait. We have an inbound musquetera today and assorted other elements of the Panamanian Mafia gathering at the house tonight. Let the games begin.

The Bad Cinema project count rises to #80 out of 100, with Morons From Outer Space (self-explanatory) and Prey about British lesbians and the problems posed to their relationship by a carnivorous alien.
Central Square in my Hometown
Starting to look a Lot Like Christmas

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