Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blankets and Conspiracies

Milestone Bedtime
The FBR, already bouncing back from her cold which she dominated by simply ignoring it, achieved a nocturnal milestone last night. Heretofore she’s always slept in her crib without blanket or stuffed animals, child rearing gospel nowadays. She’s now reached an age where that prohibition could be lifted and her parents sent the above photo to show her snuggled down with several of her furry friends at bedtime. I was wondering how it would go because, courtesy of the infrared camera in her bedroom (times have changed), we knew she wandered almost ceaselessly both before and after she fell asleep. Wingman reported she did well and the added benefit of playing with her friends for a full half hour after she woke up instead of immediately demanding his presence.
Sox Playoff Beard - Day 3
The conspiracy theorists are having a field day with the Las Vegas tragedy always looking to insert drama into a situation thoroughly saturated with the same. They claim there were multiple shooters and there was no way the amount of carnage inflicted come have come from one man. I’m sure from their basement lairs in their mother’s house they could reach this conclusion despite never having seen a fully automatic weapon in action. I have and there’s no doubt the Las Vegas law enforcement have it right. I’m surprised there weren’t more deaths given the capabilities employed. While the internet is a fabulous boon to information sharing it also allows these weenies their platform to spout nonsense. Luckily there is now an effective counter as these wild accusations are fact checked and exposed almost as quickly as they appear. Of course the conspiracy theorists are no more interested in checking facts than they are in changing their soiled underwear.
Date night had my wife and I taking in American Made, Tom Cruise’s return to the air. This was a very entertaining look at the excesses of the cocaine wars of the 1980s and yet another Hollywood attack on President Reagan’s administration. Cruise plays a pilot recruited by the CIA to spy on Central American commies who takes up a sideline of serving as the Medellin Cartel’s delivery boy. I was interested in the part about supplying the Nicaraguan contras because I parachuted into one of the airfields used by the contras during the same time frame. To say the filmmakers took extreme liberties with the facts would be a gross understatement. They take a sledge hammer approach to mockery and sacrifice integrity for it. I looked into the facts about Barry Seal after watching the movie and very little of what they portray happened and what did in the way they allege – but that’s Hollywood. Cruise is very good and it was interesting to see his dark side exposed behind all those teeth as the morally bankrupt Seal. A very entertaining flick as we ride into the ground with him.

The Bad Cinema project count rises #24 out of 100 with Mesa of Lost Women starring Uncle Fester himself as a mad scientist.

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