Saturday, December 12, 2015

Friday Throwback

Already my Favorite Photo of Granddaughter and That's Saying A Lot
Impossibly Cute
Yesterday was just what was needed after a long week at work. There was the customary celebration of First Friday at Brew City but that was followed by something that’s fallen out of our repertoire over the last few years. When I was still in the Army the ceremonial First Friday was always followed by an evening of dancing with my Favorite Panamanian.
First Friday Gathering at Brew City
That opportunity wasn’t as available once we transitioned to civilian life. Yesterday, through the kind offices of the next door mafiosos it was revived. I was forced to cut into my beloved’s usual hair dryer time in order to make it to Brew City at the appointed hour. She and timeliness have always been deadly enemies. I think it’s a cultural thing. I’ve found that First Friday is even more fun with her along and I think the rest of the group would agree with me.
Wife with the Mafiosos
We returned home only to jump into the car with the mafiosos who took us to the American Legion post in a nearby town. We’d been there once before years ago. I don’t participate in veterans’ groups like the Legion or the VFW although I qualify for both (may be an indication of how much I miss the uniform). We were the youngest group in the place but they served great food and the DJ played songs that kept us up on the dance floor for most of the night. We were joined by several other elements of the Panamanian Mafia which only contributed further to a great night out.
The Mafia Taking over the Legion Dance Hall
The highlight (at least for me) was when the DJ played “Scotland the Brave” and several couples went up to perform a very stately dance; something from another era. I was entranced. It’s obviously something of a tradition with the folks there and I was impressed. I made my usual decision to forgo the pleasures of line dancing which the ladies did their usual bee line to the dance floor for. It was a fun night of friends and dancing – something you can never get enough of (at least the friend part). 
Line Dancing Avoidance
I was semi-impressed we can still polish off a night like that now that I’m north of sixty. I guess the increasing years don’t require you to succumb to their passage, at least in spirit. A couple of people walked up to us as we were leaving and said we should come back as we apparently elevated the fun level over what they were used to. It’s always nice to be recognized for your efforts.

Today’s selection of perfection photographed in California:

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