Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Week Kickoff

I’ve written before (and at exceeding length) how much I love Christmas. If this offends you – get over yourself! I repost these words every year so there’s a proper amount of explanation for the bruising amount of oversentimentality I will inflict upon you in the coming days – Deal With It!
We’re getting close to my favorite time of year. I am an unabashed and unrepentant lover of Christmas time, in all of its glorious corniness. I love Christmas carols, Christmas parties, but most of all Christmas Day. I still remember one special year in my early teens when I was overcome with Christmas spirit, feeling so good about the season and just general happiness that I wondered at my sanity. This feeling lasted until well after Christmas and no, to all you cynics out there, the feelings were not chemically assisted.
Every year since then has been an attempt to recapture fleeting glimpses of that feeling (which may have involved certain adult beverages). Most years I get it in bits and pieces, usually associated with time I spend with my family and friends. My wife and kids smile, good naturedly, when I start holding forth about Christmas because they know how important it is to me. I know there are those raging elements and hipsters out there that bemoan what modern Christmas has evolved to. Some say it’s overly commercialized or others not properly religious.

Best Part About this Christmas!
There are always those elements in society – Grinches for lack of a better term. People so unhappy with their own lives or criminally self-important, that they target traditions that bring happiness to others for scorn. I could not care less about these self-important gas bags. There is nothing more enjoyable in life than being around people you love and actually taking some time out of the all too busy lives we all lead to just simply be together. Merry Christmas and may you find time to be with the ones you love.

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