Monday, August 10, 2015

Weekend’s Ups and Downs

Cali-Daughter and Wingman in Vegas on Saturday
Well I’ve run out of children to celebrate anniversaries for, ending my streak at two. I have it on very good authority that both couples celebrated their respective special days with the proper amount of veneration. Although there are thousands of miles between Las Vegas and the White Mountains of New Hampshire where these celebrations took place – they were linked, at least for a weekend, by the thoughts of those lucky enough to have experienced both Best Weekend Ever, parts 1 and 2.
While the ABFA and Favorite Son Were in an Inn in the White Mountains
My wife and I continued our Friday adventures spent discovering the culinary hot spots in Worcester. Worcester has a surprising amount of really good restaurants. I say surprising because Worcester is (in)famous for a lot of things but I never imagined good eating was one of them. My operations manager found this quaint Italian restaurant located in one of Worcester’s many triple decker neighborhoods called Rosalina’s Kitchen which was Friday’s objective .
We first accomplished the requisite tasks at Brew City to properly mark the auspicious arrival of the Frist Friday of the Week. My wife accompanied me and my excellent boss’ wife journeyed in from Boston on the train. We then trekked up to Rosalina’s where you are allowed/required to bring your own alcohol. The operations manager, an Italian-American, had loudly proclaimed this was the best Italian food he ever ate, but he says that about every restaurant he ever reports on and he reports a lot. It was a fun night with the four couples and it turns out the operations manager was correct – fabulous food. I really liked the setting and the wait staff who were fantastic.
The Great Crowd on Friday Night - I'm Sporting my Sister's Favorite Smile
After the meal my wife became more and more quiet, which is entirely out of character for her. She eventually texted me from across the table saying we had to leave immediately. She had been receiving a steady stream of texts from Panama concerning a favorite aunt of hers who is in the final stages of a fight with cancer. The aunt was rushed to the hospital and everyone thinks this will be for the last time. My wife’s mother, sister and brother were traveling overnight to Panama City to see her one final time and my wife was feeling emotional. We excused ourselves and I got her home where she spent the rest of the night on the phone with various family members.
Buddy Has Taken Over Couch Potato Position #1 - We Now Have to Fight Each Other For it
Saturday was spent trying unsuccessfully to contact the couple celebrating in Vegas and household chores. We were supposed to go out dancing Saturday night but my wife canceled due to the situation down in Panama. This will give you some idea how shook up she was, she NEVER cancels dancing. I did get to deploy my new electric power washer. I never thought they had enough power to earn the title but technology has improved. I was also a little thoughtful about getting myself soaked (because that always happens) while holding something connected to an electric cord (go figure). It is so much easier than the gas powered model and a serious amount of fun. I have a new favorite toy! I was washing everything I could find, the front steps, the house, the driveway, the cars, and the grill amongst other now pristine objects. Buddy was eyeing me a little nervously as I ran out of things to hose down.
Out in the Driveway With My Newest Toy
On Sunday we ended up back on the deck of the next door Mafiosos for an impromptu get together. This has turned out to be the very best thing about the move into Worcester, being right next door to such good friends. Their granddaughter’s new puppy was entertaining although at one point there was an attempt to feed it to Buddy, very excited at the prospect. I was roundly counseled by my wife for refusing to walk down the street to meet another set of neighbors who were hosting an ethnic cookout, Armenian of Albanian – they were not sure which.

I refused on the simple grounds that I am the pickiest eater known to the Western World. I did not want to meet the new neighbors only to immediately refuse their proffered “delicacies” or worse, try to eat them and start gagging. While I’m not proud of my finicky ways my wife never gives up, thinking I will somehow change my palate after sixty years. I knew as soon as I walked in, despite her protestations to the contrary, I would be put in the uncomfortable position of having the food forced on me. I had to do that in the Army more times than I care to remember, including one memorable time in the Sinai. My wife eventually gave up and when she returned she told the neighbors that I was “shy”. For some reason the entire assembled group broke out in laughter at that.  

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