Sunday, August 9, 2015

Anniversary Deluge Part Deux

It seems fairly impossible it’s already been a year since the MEF became the ABFA. Then again so much has happened and they are so perfect together that it seems they’ve been together forever. I remember being concerned going into this weekend last year that I’d made such a big deal in the preceding years about my daughter’s wedding that there was no way my son’s could register in the same neighborhood.
I learned the important lesson to never underestimate the power of true love. My son tries to portray the “too cool for school” personae at times but if you put him in the vicinity of his wife that all melts away. This weekend was completely different as we weren’t using our home as base and returning to Nashua, a city with a lot of personal memories. We checked into the hotel as friends and family were gathering and the fun did not slow down for the entire weekend. While it did have a very different vibe than my daughter’s wedding it was every bit as fun. That’s what happens when you’re in the presence of a something that’s just so right. It also helps that both of my children surround themselves with equally outstanding people (such a fun crowd), not the least of which are their respective spouses.
That Moment
The ABFA was an absolutely stunning bride and glided through the event as effortlessly as one would expect from a world class athlete. My favorite instance of the whole weekend was the moment my son saw the ABFA in her wedding dress for the first time. While the entire crowd was focused on the back door of the church opening to admit the ABFA I looked at my son. It was one of those rare moments of totally unrehearsed emotion that rang with the truth of the love he felt for the beautiful young lady walking towards him and their combined future.
The reception flew by in a blur as time is wont to do when it is being enjoyed too much. The mother son dance was memorable as they both ably served their Latin genes. The shenanigans back at the hotel after the reception reinforced that no one wanted the day to end.

The past year has been just as hectic and blissful as that weekend with their new house and a pronounced campaign to acquire a golden retriever. My son took the ABFA up to the White Mountains for the weekend to celebrate their first anniversary. They stayed at the mountain inn where he proposed to her. The kid definitely has a romantic side. I’m so happy they found each other and they realize how lucky they are to find someone so perfect. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

The Photo I Look at Every Day on my Computer to Remind About The Weekend

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