Friday, August 14, 2015

Mistake Ridden

I’ve been married to my favorite Panamanian for more than 33 years now but I still make rookie mistakes. A couple cases in point played out yesterday. Earlier in the week I mistakenly allowed her to ride around in my car. She promptly declared that I had allowed my car to descend into a completely inappropriate state. I thought the back seat covered in fur from my side trips with Buddy the Wonder Pooch gave the car a certain flair. She did not share in my opinion and said Buddy had also made some olfactory contributions which I had become obviously oblivious to.

So there I was last night, after work, vacuuming and cleaning out the last vestiges of black fur in the car – there really was a lot. While I was out there my wife pulled her car into the driveway. Since I already had the vacuum deployed it only made sense that I help clean her car as well. Like I said – I’m playing checkers while she’s a chess grand master. I did get to use my new power washer so the event wasn’t a total loss. Buddy contributed by digging a small hole in the lawn I’m trying to nurse through the current dry spell. He was less than thrilled with my reaction to his efforts.
All Right! So it is a LOT Cleaner
The other mistake I made was complaining about the lack of family photos we had out in the new house. One of the things I loved about the old house was the walk down the stairs each morning where literally dozens of family photos were displayed. My wife, in a move straight out the HG channel playbook, removed them when we got the house ready to sell. They’d been sitting in the basement since the move and I idiotically complained about missing them.
Cali-Daughter and Wingman Guest Room
So there I was last night after cleaning the cars with a hammer and a lot of small nails as I tried to mount the selected photos on the walls of the guest bedrooms in the exact pattern my wife had laid out on the beds. She seemed to have little sympathy for the Patriots’ first pre-season game which I kept sneaking downstairs to stay abreast of.
Favorite Son and ABFA Guest Room
In the end I loved seeing the photos back up, even with the attendant supervision, and my car was noticeably fresh for the ride into work today. Maybe that’s why I keep making these mistakes.

Third Guestroom 
With the demise of yet another work week I inevitably fall into a philosophic mood. A friend posted the video below today on Facebook. In a time when the forces of progressive leftists and Cro-Magnons from the right try to pull us apart it’s soothing to remind ourselves what’s really important. The truth of the promise of this nation which the voices of divisiveness are incapable of overcoming. Sometimes it takes a Canadian to remind us we are stronger united than investing in the polarization political parties seem to thrive on. 

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