Friday, August 21, 2015

Return to the Life Aquatic and Welcome Arrival Day

The last couple days I’ve started the day out back in the pool at the local Y. This is a true harbinger back to my high school and college days where I regularly spent at least an hour in the pool every day. The muscle memory, if not the endurance or strength, was still there. I was back to getting up at the same time I was when my commute was a lot longer but for some strange reason I really enjoyed the routine. Part of it was being back at a YMCA after all these years in a pool that was entirely reminiscent of the pool I grew up in.
Today does mark the First Friday of the Week which will be adequately, if somewhat hastily celebrated because there is infinitely larger game afoot. I’ll make a drive into the vortex of Boston traffic this evening to secure one each Cali-Daughter and accompanying First Blog Reader (cue the happy dance). She’s flying in for her final business trip to NYC before the November delivery date and will spend the weekend with us so the future gramma can dote. There will also be an accompanying baby shower – a major event for said future gramma.
First Blog Reader Progress as of Yesterday
The Current Panamanian Assessment of Belly = Male Child
The forces have already started massing for that event with last night’s arrival of the Maine Musquetera. She arrived while my wife, the next door Mafioso, and the PanaGals were touring Boston for the day. I was abandoned once the gals returned and the chatter in non-stop Español was still going on when I headed to bed. It’s been a lot of fun to watch as my wife realizes a long held dream of hosting a baby shower for her daughter. We thought it wouldn’t happen until this fortuitous trip arose. It will only be the ladies at the baby shower so I have made a huge sacrifice and volunteered to lead any accompanying men into Worcester for an abbreviated pub crawl. I would do anything for that gal.

One of my literary heroes returned in a book I finished yesterday. Jack Du Brul finally returned to writing about his geologist née hero at large Philip Mercer in The Lightning Stones. Du Brul’s been writing novels with Clive Cussler so Mercer was left to his own devices for the past few years. He returns with a fantastic story that truly had me wearing out the forward button on my Kindle as Mercer confronts non-stop action on his way to seek out the murderers of a close friend.
Along the way he romances a couple of ladies, solves the Amelia Earhart mystery, survives an Afghanistan firefight, and takes on a megalomaniacal Frenchman (but aren’t they all) bent on world destruction but this is Mercer so he handles all this with his usual aplomb. He’s ably assisted by his 80 year live in letch who provides just the right amount of comic relief courtesy of the greatest generation. I recommend the Mercer novels to anyone who loves a good series of thrillers. It was so good to have him back.

Speaking of old literary heroes, Jack Reacher also suddenly re-emerged on the Kindle, albeit for just a short story in Small Wars. Needless to say I rushed through that as soon as it showed up. Lee Child looks back briefly to Reacher’s Army career days and weaves a great short story which involves Reacher’s older brother and the incomparable Frances Neagley. A needed fix while awaiting the hopefully soon next Reacher novel.

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