Monday, June 29, 2015

Cellar Confinement and Dimple Day

Yesterday’s monsoon like weather conditions dovetailed nicely with my planned activities which involved making some sort of order out of our chaotic new basement. We lost 1000 square feet of living space with the move to our new abode which was a very good thing. The only problem being - the old Army axiom surrounding household moves – “you always expand to fill whatever space you occupy”. We certainly did that with our ten year sojourn in Charlton. Despite a month’s worth of repeated trips to various charities and an overworked rubbish man we still had way, way too much “stuff”. 
The Basement Before I started
The initial plan was to rent a storage space but that was before seeing the pristine and empty basement of the new house. The only dissenting vote was Buddy since this was going to serve as new cave. His dissention received the same amount of credence as my input to my wife’s decorating ideas. He grudgingly agreed to provide his usual level of supervision during my efforts.
And After
I’ve written before that our earlier moves and the accompanying unpacking seemed much easier during the many times we did this during the military career. Far be it from me to suggest this may be due to the much younger versions of ourselves that performed these earlier moves. My wife has been after me to sleep in on the weekends to recharge our red lining personal batteries but I seem to have lost the ability to sleep beyond 7am (damned Army).  It was thus with not a little bit of awe when I awoke yesterday and found the bedside clock reading 10am!
We Have Too Much Christmas "Stuff"
I immediately reported this to my wife and we both professed to feel completely overhauled from the additional rest. I went downstairs and was vexed to see the Sunday paper had not been delivered. I was in the middle of a strident call to the newspaper to report my indignation when the computer I was talking to mildly reminded me that it was well before the guaranteed delivery time. For the first time I looked at another clock to discover it was only 7:05am. We later worked out that my wife had unplugged my bedside clock during one of her decorating forays and forgot to reset it. It’s funny how the mind works – we both convinced ourselves we felt substantially better after the mythical three hours of additional rest. The recovered hours were spent checking our new church and grocery store – tasks I thought I would dodge with the late rise.
Buddy's New Cave and Carpet
I ended up spending more than nine hours in the basement as I worked through the flotsam and jetsam of our move. Anything we didn’t immediately assign to a new room during the move ended up in the basement. The week long unpacking consigned even more to the growing pile of debris that severely constricted Buddy’s dog cave. I kind of liked the work though, as it permitted a predictable amount of success as I slowly progressed across the basement. My wife purchased a new, small carpet for Buddy’s space (we do spoil him) and I eventually cleared enough space to spread it out for him. He regally deigned to enter his kennel at this point and supervised the rest of my work from there. I think he liked the surrounding mass of stored furniture as it will provide more of a bolt hole when those dastardly thunderstorms attack.
The Birthday Girl
Today is a special day outside of the mundane stricture of my recent move. It also marks the day of birth of my baby sister! She was born a few years later than the rest of us so she immediately became a family favorite, the sweetest kid imaginable. She retained her blond hair while the rest of us converted to brown and had/has the most devastating dimples in the Western Hemisphere.

Dimples Still There
She’s had some tough breaks thrown her way in life, including being basically alone at home with our mother in the aftermath of a devastating family tragedy. She’s emerged from these challenges and defined herself as a fantastic mother and grandmother. I could not be prouder of what’s she’s done with her life. A couple years ago she finally found the love of her life and I’m so happy she’s found a man who truly appreciates how special a person she is. She had a tough winter where she learned firsthand the dangers of diving off a porch onto a driveway while leading with her face. It’s instructive as to her character that she’s recovered and didn’t let her devastating injury modify who she is. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIMPLE GIRL – LOVE YOU IMMENSELY! 
She Deserves Her Happiness

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