Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bliss Induced

I set such high expectations in my mind going into Christmas that I sometimes set myself up for failure. I place Christmas on a high pedestal based on my childhood and the fantastic people I’ve shared the holiday with over the years that it’s almost an impossible task. Or so I thought! The past couple days have exceeded even my lofty hopes and the blame falls squarely on my family and friends. 
Christmas Bliss
After a half day of work, technically, on Christmas Eve I became immersed in the ocean of excellence that is my family. I say technically because I arose at 3:30am and joined Keene Friend to greet my early arriving employees with Christmas wishes. I apparently caused some issues at home. I told the FBR she was authorized to wake the entire house up on Christmas morning because it was special. She jumped the gun and was loudly attempting to do so on the 24th until Wingman informed her I’d meant Christmas morning. Rehearsals are a vital tool in proper execution.  I was home at noon time and found Soxfather and Great Aunt had joined my Favorite Panamanian, my daughter, Wingman and the FBR. Their arrival had caused a burnt chocolate pie but Wingman ride to the rescue with replacement pudding.
Son, BRS, and ABFA

Daughter, FBR and Wingman
Soxfather was once again in the “zone” that is reserved for him and my granddaughters. The FBRs squeals of delight at the silliness brought back so many memories of her mother’s similar reaction a few decades ago with Soxfather. He’s a multi-generational charmer. After a quick, but very needed, nap I accompanied my wife and the FBR to mass. It was typically packed and the FBR spent the entire service passing her Frozen figurines back and forth with a young gal in the pew behind us. They were fast friends by the end of mass and the FBR even invited her back to the house. The parents of her new friend thanked the FBR for “making” the service for them by being so entertaining. That was needed because we had an octogenarian replacement priest who did nothing to enliven what turned into an unneededly solemn service.
Cousins on Christmas Eve

Why Do we Have to Wait?

These Two!
The Favorite Son, ABFA, and the BRS had rolled into town in the afternoon and the house was truly “lit” for Christmas when we returned. Soxfather and Great Aunt were with us because Great Aunt had to work on Christmas Day so they wouldn’t be joining us for the Christmas Morning chaos. That meant another huge dinner centerpieced by the ham Wingman’s mother sends us every year. The meal was followed by a frenzied gift exchange as both the FBR and BRS wanted to assist in gift distribution. I swear that half the joy I pull out of Christmas now is seeing the holiday vicariously through the joy of my granddaughters’ eyes experiencing their first few. It’s almost intoxicating. The FBR was in charge of leaving the cookies and milk (she was very definite about this) for Santa Claus. She also wrote out a message for Santa, sounding out the words herself. I was very impressed with her being barely four years old and accomplishing this.
FBR Note for Santa

BRS was Ready to Help with Cleanup
As the young’uns headed up for the anticipation laden Christmas Eve sleep Great Aunt and Soxfather hit the road home. The rest of us cleaned up the debris and adjourned to the Man Cave for the annual viewing of Love Actually. We’re going to have to come up with an edited version when the kids are old enough to stay up with us but it was still a great celebration of love that still had us laughing and loving together. Probably my favorite part of the entire day was the late night session as my son joined me in the preparation of the Christmas turkey. He grown into the kind of man I’m proud just to spend time with. 
Christmas Morning

Wife Trying to Impose Order

Best Gift - Time with Granddaughters

The Very Best
The FBR’s rehearsal was validated when she awoke the entire house at 7am on Christmas morning. Her foghorn rivalling efforts had us all up and ready to descend the stairs to find out about the Naughty List appeal results. The FBR was a little put out to discover both my wife and I were out of bed by the time she came charging into the room because she’d wanted to jump on us. I told her it was her own fault for her very effective wakeup call. She recovered from her pique to discover Santa Claus had consumed her cookies and milk.
Favorite Panamanian Modeling


BRS Piggy Backing her Dad
The turkey went into the oven and everyone descended into the usual blur as presents were exchanged. This is truly my favorite part – seeing the reaction and the joy each other’s generosity results in. The big gift to my two kids was an 11 disk set of DVDs where all of the family video VHS tapes from their youth had been converted onto; more on that later.  Mimosas were created for the adults amidst the chaos and we all tried to keep up with the two young cousins who were truly in the “Christmas Zone” that this holiday creates for the very young.
Test Driving the Gifts

Another Tradition I put All my Gifts on at Once
The traditional late morning breakfast of hojaldras and fried dough was moved to the dining room because of space requirements. At one point I asked the BRS who each family member was and she correctly pointed out each person I named. I am very impressed by both my granddaughters. I know this will come as a huge surprise to readers of Frail Deeds. As the morning’s debris as cleaned up and newly acquired toys were tested I sat back to reflect just how blessed my life is, which is a direct result of the people I was sharing the holiday with. That included the ABFA’s parents who arrived just after the major gift opening frenzy and jumped right in as part of the family. It wouldn’t be Christmas without them now.
Son and I on Dinner Prep

Turkey Came Out Perfect
We spent part of the afternoon in the Man Cave watching the first of the DVDs of family memories. Everyone was howling in laughter at the 1991 versions of ourselves. Wingman particularly enjoyed seeing so many of the more “charming” traits of the FBR evidenced in the young version of her mother. Soxfather was up to the same tricks he was now engaged in with another generation and all the ladies had very tall hair. It was also a little startling to see how little grey hair I had and the less said about my waist compered to now the better. The segment included Christmas 1991 at my mother’s house and it was cool to see so many of the traditions we still engage in as well as seeing my mom and Aunt Peg. We also saw that my appreciation of my wife’s derriere is not a new thing, but less said about that etc. etc.
The Dinner Team

FBR Wondering Where Dinner Is
My son and I rushed upstairs to find the turkey finished and jumped into creating the rest of the Christmas dinner. It’s a tradition dating back to the 1991 (we correctly identified that in the tape we just watched) that the men are responsible for Christmas dinner in our house. I’m usually exhausted by the time dinner is ready but that was not the case this year as my son took on more of the burden. I guess this qualifies as an official start for the passing of the torch.
Christmas Dinner ABFA Parents on the Left

From the Other End
Shortly after dinner Keene Friend finally arrived which completed the requisite gatherings. While the Christmas evening frivolities might be a little tempered compared to those of my youth we were loud enough to receive a cautionary admonition from the FBR after she’d gone to bed. She told us it was okay to continue laughing but to try and be a little quieter. This of course led to another bout of laughter. We adjourned to the Man Cave to watch the rest of Christmas 1991 which provided an elegant connection which for me is what Christmas is all about – connecting with the people you love. As I said a couple day’s completely immersal in bliss.
I Was Dragooned into Watching Peppa Pig on Two
Separate Tablets Simultaneously

Which Meant I really Needed a Beer
RECURRING CHARACTERS                                           
BRS - Blog Reader the Sequel - second granddaughter; FBR - First Blog Reader - first granddaughter, ABFA – Amazing Best Family Athlete = my daughter in law; Wingman – my son in law; Keene Friends 1 & 2 – friends since high school from my home town of Keene, NH; Soxfather - my brother in law; Great Aunt = my elder sister; Cantankerous Friend – friend since grade school who likes to argue about everything, poses as radical leftist to attract women; Pittsburgh College Roommate – high school friend, also a “Minor Celebrity” in Pittsburgh; Deckzilla – our backyard deck which grew to monstrous dimensions once my wife got involved in planning; Maine and Virginia Musqueteras – two close friends of my wife – her US sisters, my wife is the 3rd musquetera (musketeer); Riggins - also known as the Grandpuppy, son's dog, surrogate grandchild while awaiting arrival of the BRS; PanaGals – female relatives/friends of my wife from Panama; Panamanian/Latin Mafia – inevitable group of Latino friends my wife accumulates wherever we have lived & their spouses; Neighborhood Mafioso - wife's close friend and Panamanian mafia member, Favorite Panamanian - the wife (of course); First Friday – celebrations to mark the First Friday of the Week; Deckzilla Dude – senior citizen carpenter/contractor; Voices of Inappropriate Worth - members of public who come to every Worcester public meeting to complain, all are on public assistance along with demeanor issues

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