Monday, July 2, 2018


New FBR Pool

A weekend filled with oppressive heat and excessive humidity caused the first effectuation of the A/C system for the year; a fairly late start but very needed. Thankfully everything worked and it reminded me of the years I spent living in the south where going outside during A/C weather was frowned upon. It was similar to winter in New England – you need a good reason to be outside when it’s so uncomfortable. I only ventured forth to make the obligatory weekend trip to Home Depot which resulted in a do it yourself lawn treatment which had me sweating bullets. Other than running out to water the lawn late in the day I spent most of the weekend inside and felt a little disturbed that I wasn’t more productive.
Wingman Helping with FBR Cooling

Happily Received
My Favorite Panamanian said I needed the rest but I still felt a little rascally for my indolence. For the first time in a very long while I took the opportunity to sit in the living room chair and read, for a couple hours. Usually this presents a target rich environment for my wife to devise something productive I should be doing but she was strangely complicit with my lethargy.
BRS - Before Her First Cold
We were concerned all weekend with the BRS who ended her first week at outside day care with the predictable cold. This is the first time she’s been sick which every parent will remember as a very unhappy time when they have to experience it. It was sad to see the usually smiling and energetic BRS so quiet and obviously under the weather. Maybe this sloth was a regional thing. She bounced back and was back to her very vocal self last night after dutifully passing her infirmity off to her parents.
Sharing pool with Dad
Her energetic cousin, the FBR, was luxuriating in a new deck sized pool that was installed just in time for the onslaught of similarly sticky weather in New Jersey. Wingman staunchly blew the pool up since the new pump he ordered hadn’t arrived yet. The FBR generates that kind of devotion. By the time we caught up with them both parents had also joined the FBR in the pool and there was talk of a Sunday pool party with neighborhood friends of the FBR. The FBR wasn’t that interested in what the adults were talking about until she heard me mention that I had the lawn sprinkler going. She then demanded to see it in action since she has become a bit of an aficionado of sprinklers and wanted to see if it met her specifications for her upcoming visit.
First Friday Table After Keene Friend(r) Arrival
My sloth like existence over the weekend was belied by a very lively First Friday celebration. After my Favorite Panamanian arrived and joined the group I was the lone male at the table with the four most attractive ladies in the bar. My cool points score was off the chart! Then Keene Friend joined us and I once again became the old married guy sitting with his wife. It was fun while it lasted. There was also a Guinness vendor providing free Guinness glasses that I had the names of Wingman and my daughter engraved with since they love the foul stuff.

I finished off the next in RW Peake’s excellent Marching with Caesar book series with Pax Romana. This is the second book featuring the grandson of the original hero, Titus Pullo. Since this was during a time of relative quiet in the Roman world, hence the whole “Pax” thing, the author cooks up a lively rebellion that Pullo’s 8th legion must deal with. He’s also confronted with a corrupt Primus Pilus and the inevitable maneuverings of the patricians. Peake’s excels in close combat descriptions and he’s at his best with a climactic battle in the midst of a burning city. I’ve already bought the next in the series but that will have to wait because old friend LE Modessitt dropped his latest Recluse novel onto my Kindle while I was reading this Marching book.
We See her this Week!!!!!!

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