Friday, July 20, 2018

Parakeets to Hard Wood Return

Favorite Son and His Stress Reliever the BRS

I awoke very early yesterday morning in my mother in law’s house to a thunderous chorus of parakeet squawking. That it happened around five in the morning was less than welcome. A considerable flock of them perched in grapefruit tree in the back yard directly over the room we were sleeping in and decided to greet the day by sounding off as loudly as they could. The things that happen when you don’t have a handy scatter gun! They did drown out the usual dawn rendition of neighborhood roosters but I’d learned to sleep through that.
Front Stairs
It is still disconcerting to awake in the topics of Panama and find myself fighting traffic on the Mass Pike later that same day. Still, for once, this was a very productive trip to Panama with land sold, condo loan signed, and even the extra day scheduled for any problems that cropped up spent at the beach condo. The flights back were flawless, if crowded. Are there any unsold airline tickets anymore? We stopped by Framingham for our usual very late, hurried dinner before rejoining the Mass Pike traffic only to find two of the three lanes were shut down resulting in a five mile back up but that’s a win if it’s the only issue with a 3000 mile trip.
Upstairs Hardwood
All day long my wife and I wondered what we would find when we returned home. Deckzilla Dude hadn’t finished the master bedroom floor and the front stair case still had to be done completely. My wife, the persistent pessimist repeatedly opined that we would find nothing done while I had more faith. For once I was right. Virtually all of the work was done and the stairs look fantastic. We bought some unfinished oak stairs and backing and Deckzilla Dude did his carpentry thing and the results were everything I hoped for. Even my Favorite Panamanian was impressed, albeit grudgingly, she’s not used to being wrong, at least in arguments with me.
Son(r) in front of Building he is Putting Up
Life obviously proceeded apace during our absence. My son was featured in an article in the Portsmouth newspaper highlighting the building project he’s been in charge of for the past few months. While it’s been a stressful time for him I was totally impressed with the size of the building that’s arisen under his guidance. He was typically blasé about his write up, he takes after his mother in that regard, almost too modest. He does get to return to a great stress reliever each day as the BRS continues to ease inexorably into his heart. I warned him in advance about daddies and daughters and he’s beginning to understand.
Atop the Buidling

BRS Time

Toothless Daughter Last Night
My daughter finally had her wisdom teeth out yesterday which was every bit as much delayed fun as anticipated. She was just getting home as we stopped for dinner so we were only able to commiserate a little bit with her. The FBR continues to terrorize playgrounds through the greater NYC metropolitan area continuing her streak from her visit up here. My daughter took her to an immense bounce house which the FBR dominated not once but twice. I know from personal experience it can be exhausting just watching her maneuver.
Dominated Bounce House

FBR Breaking from her Depredations

I didn’t have time or inclination to write earlier in the week regarding out Sunday visit to the cinema to see Ant Man and the Wasp. This follows the trend of the earlier Antman movie which takes itself much less seriously than the normal Marvel fare. Paul Ruud is perfect as the hero beset with legal, familial, mechanical, business, and romantic issues not to mention a marauding ghost like villain. San Francisco, one of my favorite cities, plays a supporting role character as the action careens through many of the city’s most notable landmarks. Evangeline Lily is the true hero of the flick and steals every scene she’s in despite the always sneakily good Michael Pena’s similar attempts. It seemed like the entire cast had a lot of fun making this and a lot of that was transferable to the audience. A great summer flick.

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